Pixar can make a short film as a blockbuster, just ask you to accept it

Cleve 2022-11-30 11:59:49

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Micron is serious

Hello friends, have you watched all the Toy Story 4 recommended yesterday ? how do you feel?

Speaking of which, there is no doubt that Pixar's status as the leader of the animation industry in recent years is completely unshakable . Basically, all the classic animations in the past ten years have been swept by Pixar.

But you can't be jealous. Today, let's take a look at a short film that Pixar made a few years ago. Look at the quality of this short film, and you will know why Pixar has been the leader in this industry for many years.


It is estimated that there are many friends like Xiaobian who are a little confused when they first see this word. In fact, this is the snipe fighting between the snipe and the clam, but there is no idiom written, and it is impossible to recognize it alone.

On a small island with a faint dawn, the sea gently overlooks the spotless beach. With the surging waves, plankton, seaweed, conch, scallops stranded on the land, waiting for them are hungry predators.

Sandpipers, in groups of three or five, chirped and landed on the wet sand, pecking at delicious scallops. After many years of experience, Xu Shi, whenever a new wave of water came in, they would dodge lightly for the first time, and would never get half a feather wet.

In the bushes not far away, a young sandpiper, whose shell has not been broken for a long time, is watching the every move of its parents. After a while, the mother flew back to the nest, and the little guy opened his mouth as always and waited to feed, but the mother seemed determined to let the child be independent and eat the scallop meat into his stomach.

There is no way, the little sandpiper can only go to the sea. However, the sea water is so nasty, and it rushes towards this little guy who is not familiar with the world. At this time, a wave suddenly came, and the little sandpiper was beaten pitifully, and he was unwilling to come out. But my mother insisted on making it independent.

Finally, the little sandpiper was hungry and had to come out to hunt, but this time, with the help of the hermit crab, it learned to avoid the waves, and finally succeeded in being independent and became a happy and gregarious cute little sandpiper.

This short film does not have any plot, not only does it have no lines, but even the plot is very simple, but it is not surprising that there is not much plot in such a small short film.

You will find that Pixar is so serious and meticulous even when it comes to making such a small short film that doesn't make much money.

When watching the short film, there are many barrages and comments marveling at the high quality of the short film and the realistic details. Indeed, if you watch it, you can see that even in a small short film, you can see that Pixar really treats every animation with the spirit of craftsmanship.

Maybe this is the reason why people can succeed~

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