Those who are clean are self-cleaning, those who are turbid are self-cleaning - I sincerely hope that the truth will come sooner

Jaime 2022-12-31 09:36:43

I sincerely hope that before watching this film, please get to know the person in this film, this person named Michael Jackson, because this film is called a documentary, this person really exists, he is not fabricated. There are many people who say that his fans are too irrational and so on, so please people who don't know Michael Jackson very well, please go to Du Niang or any platform to search before you are ready to watch the film to know about this person. You don't need to understand him deeply. If you can understand him objectively, correctly, and rationally, you will understand why so many people, ordinary people, have such a big reaction. As long as you can understand him rationally, I believe you will understand. The fans didn't mean to attack anyone, just really, we just hope the world can be fair to him, really, just be fair. Lies run a sprint, truth runs a marathon. But during this time of sprinting, many people will be hurt, and many people will be sad, and the person who has passed away, who is no longer there, knows how sad he will be in the future. We are really heartbroken that the existence of this film, its release, the reflection of society and part of humanity is chilling, a real-life version of The Farmer and the Snake. Sometimes people feel that this world is not worthy of love, so the final result of a person who loves people and the world turns out to be like this, which is so chilling. Really, I ask people who are going to watch this film, please get to know him first, please don't let us lose our faith and love for this world, this person in this film, this person who has been deeply hurt by the world and people Before he died, before he was killed, he still loved the world and us. Scarred, he never stopped loving us. Before he died, he still remembered the fans, and he wanted to set up the largest children's hospital with the money for the performance. A person who was thinking of love before he died would not do such a thing. I ask the two liars and everyone who made this film, ask your conscience, is it still there? Does it hurt? Life is only a few decades old, and we will all turn into a handful of loess in the end. Can you make sure that you will not regret what you are doing now? This lie will always be exposed one day, just like Joe Redd, he regrets it. Are you not afraid of God's judgment in the future? As Christians, we all know the judgment before the great white throne, aren't you afraid? Liars, have you ever wondered how many people this film will hurt? This also includes yourselves, your family members and your children. How will you survive in this world when the lie is exposed?

Our power is really very small, because we are all very ordinary people, very small. But everyone is willing to do whatever they can for Michael Jackson, so that people can get to know him fairly and let the world return him to his innocence. Let future generations know and remember and thank this man who has done so much good for the world. Only our strength is still too small, we invite more people, who have been helped by him, who have been deeply loved by him, who have been inspired by him, who have believed in love because of him, those who believed in the world, and others Those who believe in him please join us. Those who have the appeal and believe in Michael Jackson's innocence, please help us, let this long run end as soon as possible, and let the truth be revealed to the world. Please understand our anxious hearts, because if the truth is not revealed to the world one day, someone will be hurt by this lie.

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Leaving Neverland quotes

  • Wade Robson: He was one of the kindest, most gentle, loving, caring people I knew. He helped me... tremendously. He helped me with my career. He helped me with my creativity. With all those sorts of things. And he also sexually abused me... for seven years.