God's kingdom God's love

Keith 2022-04-22 07:01:47

"Gold help those who help themselves."

If "Brokeback Mountain" made us remember Jack and Ennis, "Land of God" will never make us forget Georgie and Johnny. The first thing to point out is that Kingdom of God can be seen as a sequel to Brokeback Mountain, at least it borrows a lot of elements from Brokeback. But it is not a simple imitation, and I dare not say that "blue is better than blue", but it definitely writes its own footnotes for homosexual films with its rich connotations and unique stories.

The same flock, the same two-person world, their love slowly unfolds like this. Many excellent film critics have already conducted multi-dimensional discussions on the plot of "Part 1", and Zhuyu is the first, so I won't go into details here. What I want you to see are a few elements worth noting in Part One.

The first is "home". "Broken" builds a far-from-worldly Brokeback Mountain, and the story basically revolves around Jack and Ennis, with their families (and I mean parents not their wives and children) appearing at the end. "Part One" starts from the family, which gives it an additional layer of topics. A disabled father, a runaway mother, and the burdens of life require Johnny to support a home. However, he was unwilling to spend his life on a farm in such a small town. I think that being a comrade brings him a lot of pressure. So we see a taciturn, often hangover, decadent youth. Ideal and reality torment this young man. But fortunately, his family gave him support: his grandmother found out the traces of his love with Georgi, and silently helped him wash away the traps while shocked. Although he couldn't help crying while holding his shirt, he didn't say anything. Finally, when the grandson set off to look for Georgi, she handed him the note with the address, showing her silent acquiescence and support; when the son was leaving, the father just asked "Will that make you happy?"—— - Parents only want their children to be happy. Touching his father's hand quietly in front of the hospital bed and taking responsibility silently after his father was discharged from the hospital also showed us how he learned to love step by step. Family makes "Part One" warm.

The second is kindness and love. No doubt Johnny didn't know how to love, and life didn't even give him a correct view of love. In his eyes only sex. With the white-haired brother he hooked up with at the beginning, and the first time with Georgi, he didn't want to kiss, just wanted to vent. Georgi was really a warm sunshine, he opened Johnny's heart. The most moving part of the film is that Georgie guides Johnny to touch his face and body, teaching him to kiss. He taught Johnny that love requires giving, not just taking. Georgi is kind, respectful and competent, and most importantly, he has love in his heart. For example, if a lamb froze to death, he would peel off its skin and put it on another lamb to prevent it from freezing to death.... Such a character breaks people's belief that comrades are hiding in dark corners The image of attracting customers or messing around in a gay bar. "It turns out that comrades can also have such sunshine!" Behind the exclamation is the silent and edifying effect of the film. By showing the beauty and boldness to others, at least we can clear up some misunderstandings.

The last is self-esteem and courage. Johnny called Georgi a "Gypsy", and he dared to resist; Johnny was drunk, and he left decisively. In an era of more and more openness, our communication is more and more convenient, but there is little genuine communication; it is more and more easy to find a lover, but it is more and more difficult to have true love. No matter whether we are heterosexual or homosexual, we either live in the midst of a hundred flowers without leaving a single sincerity, or we blindly compromise and practice ourselves. Have principles in the heart, know self-respect and self-love, and not sink in the feelings that are doomed to rupture. This is the dignity of love that Georgi taught us; to find ourselves, to correct mistakes, and to dare to pursue, this is the courage of love that Johnny taught us. .

Director Francis Lee explained that "God's Kingdom" refers to Yorkshire, where the film's story takes place, and has no deeper meaning. But I prefer to do some new interpretations: As I said at the beginning of this article, "God helps those who help themselves", "God's Kingdom" is to tell comrades (gay) that no matter what the reality is, no matter how cold-hearted we may be, we should Treat the world with sincerity and kindness, and we must pursue the pursuit of love bravely without losing dignity. When there is love in the heart, life can be full of light. Only by not giving up on ourselves can we have the "love of God".

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The author has something to say: After watching a lot of movies, this is the first time I systematically write a long film review. I finally finished it, and I am a little excited. Hasty work will inevitably lead to omissions. If there is any inappropriate content or even grammatical and wording errors, you are welcome to correct me, I will be very grateful, and I am also happy to share your viewing experience with you. Thanks again!

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God's Own Country quotes

  • Gheorghe Ionescu: My country is dead. You can't throw a rock in most towns without hitting an old lady crying for her children who have gone.

  • Johnny Saxby: So your Romanian, gypsy, pikey

    Gheorghe Ionescu: Don't call me that