In love with God's care

Meaghan 2022-04-19 09:02:43

This is a movie that makes you forget time. In the process of watching the movie, I didn't realize the passage of time at all, I didn't think to look at the watch, and I didn't think to look at the progress bar. I just followed the director's camera, followed the movement of the characters in the play, and watched it bit by bit. into the grim wilderness of Yorkshire. The wilderness is so cold and hard, but it is also so moving, and it also has a soft side in the sun. This is Yorkshire, and the Shepherd Boys of Yorkshire.

First of all, I want to say that I really like the title of a film review - "The times change from winter to summer, and the shepherd of Brokeback Mountain said I would."

To be honest, although I thought of "Brokeback Mountain" when I watched this "Kingdom of God", I didn't think that the two were very similar or derived. People live and love each other in this ancient land, but also despair and betrayal. Sometimes the ending is as warm as spring, and sometimes it is not satisfactory. But I am very grateful to this film critic, the name redeemed my sorrow for Brokeback Mountain, so many stories of Brokeback Mountain have been played out over the years, and they will finally usher in spring.

The shepherd is a gloomy boy. He was young, not uprooted, and had his own ranch, but he was as dead as a walking corpse—cold, withdrawn, out of place. Life has no expectations for him, as long as he can live it, sex is just a physical release to him. He doesn't even love himself much, let alone his cattle, his ranch and his family. He doesn't know love at all.

The wandering Romanians worked everywhere, came to this gloomy wilderness, and came to the pasture of the shepherd boy. Although he was away from home and received cold eyes, he was still full of longing for life. He kept a piece of chocolate in his pocket at all times, and took a bite from time to time.

The story unfolds as usual, and with God's grace, this time it's a happy ending.

Simply put, they are in love.

But love is not an easy thing. Love is a powerful force that destroys and reshapes a person. Love is a deep mutual redemption. It's not just love. That's what moved me about this movie, even though it looked too much like a fairy tale.

There are a few parts of the movie that I really like.

The first segment is on Ranch Heights, where Johnny is drawn to Gheorghe before he realizes it.

Maybe it was Gheorghe's breath that was too gentle, maybe it was just the loneliness that filled the world in the ranch, but Johnny inevitably felt embarrassed and impulsive when the two of them got along. This impulse came to a head when Gheorghe was wiping his body with water, and Johnny couldn't help but shouted some unpleasant words at the Romanian brother, deliberately laughing at his wandering.

Before he could drag him for three seconds, Johnny was immediately crushed from behind by the Romanian brother angrily. Gheorghe is really gentle, but he also really hates the name Gypsy, wandering was never his choice, but fate gave him no choice. He pinned Johnny down and looked at him as if he had read right into his child's heart. "I know what you are thinking." he declared decisively, "I will fuck with you. But after finish the work."

You can have sex and finish your work first. The Romanian brother is undoubtedly a role model for all workers. The details of Johnny's actor here are outstanding: he swallowed his saliva, did not speak, and most of his eyes were full of yearning. The Adam's apple rolled up and down, filled with the appearance of being overwhelmed by hormones.

What I like about it is Johnny's reaction, he's addicted, he's craving, yet the feeling is foreign to him, and he's at a loss. This was probably the first time in Johnny's life that he felt a different kind of emotion before having a relationship - a relationship was an advance agreement. This has led to the first time behind the scenes, and more times, and the life together, which has become a relationship under an agreement, and it is no longer a one-shot and two-split take-away.

Was the night of having sex in the hut Johnny's sexual initiation?

When I think back to that scene, all I remember is the flickering warm candlelight, Johnny lying on his back with his back to Gheorghe, seemingly silent, but listening to the voice behind him all the time. Will he come and keep his promise? Johnny waited in anticipation, his hands gripping the hay on the ground. The Romanian brother is obviously much richer in age and experience than Johnny. He guides the young and reckless shepherd and leads him into the "Kingdom of God".

That was the first transformation of the shepherd boy.

From an animal that only knew catharsis, he tasted the sweetness of the forbidden fruit for the first time, and he became a child chasing honey. Again and again, he pestered Gheorghe, kissed him, tried to touch him and stroke him under his lead. Vibrant candlelight flashed across Johnny's face again and again, illuminating his sinking and desire.

Gheorghe, what can be said about him, he has the distant morning sun in Yorkshire in his eyes, and the stars above him at night.

He was the missing light in Johnny's life.

The actor who played Johnny is such a good actor. A strangely good actor.

He can play the gloomy shepherd boy so gloomy it's like the weather in England that hasn't been sunny for months. But he was lazy on the sofa watching TV, and occasionally when he looked up at the Romanian brother, there was a gentle light flashing in his eyes. Who would have thought that that little bit of light could so obviously change the outline and demeanor of a person's entire face, and he suddenly became full of vigor.

Sneakly pinched the Romanian brother while grandma turned around to clean up; helped grandma put away the ironing rack and couldn't wait to send grandma out of the room, got tired of Gheorghe the moment the door was closed; sat angrily in the trailer When he came down, he was kissed by the little brother one by one and burst into laughter... At that moment after another, there was still the initial gloom in him, he was clearly a sunny young boy in love.

His happiness was so obvious, all the haze was dispelled, and the power of love gradually filled him.

Yet Johnny didn't realize the power of this love until Gheorghe left. It is like a sharp and cold double-edged sword, which cuts through the fog of life on the one hand, but cuts through one's own heart on the other. His father was hospitalized, his grandmother was old, and his lover was angry with him. While reflecting on himself, he took up his own ranch and responsibilities.

That was the second transformation of the shepherd boy.

He was a willful and chaotic child who was ignorant of the world, shouldering the weight of life, and began to grow into a tough young man. He cleaned the cowshed, delivered the cows, and sprayed the sheep with disinfectant. Like a man, he took over the burden of caring for his stroked father from his grandmother. It's just that he began to miss the days when he used body heat to keep each other warm, and those days when he made love. He put on the sweater left by his Romanian brother and did the farm work he once did. When Gheorghe left, Johnny really learned to do it. Love.

The scene that moved me the most was with Johnny and his father and grandma.

Johnny said to his father, "I'll take responsibility, but I'm going to get him back. When I come back, I'll be a different person."

"Make you happy?" his father asked. The only clip I nearly fell into tears.

- Will you be happy doing this?

This is probably the love of the parents. Regardless of the misunderstanding or prejudice, parents just want their children to be happy in the end. How palpable Johnny's joy was when Gheorghe was around.

Johnny finally set out to find Gheorghe's way home. Granny pretended to read the newspaper and "inadvertently" stopped Johnny who was leaving, "You forgot this." She handed Gheorghe's new address to Johnny, who stood still for a while, then turned away with the paper. I really envy Johnny here. Although he has lived in gloom for a long time, his surroundings are actually full of sunshine and love.

What an ignorant little boy.

This is the kingdom of God, how can there be sorrow and parting in the kingdom of God.

Of course in the end Johnny cried and found his Romanian brother.

Praise Johnny's actor once again, his acting skills at the reunion are really good, from his twisting and testing, to the broken jar and smashing his heart, the level is clear. He is really a very strange good actor. Although I couldn't help but want to scold him for being dumbfounded when he was stubborn, when he started crying, my heart suddenly softened. The scene of two people kissing and hugging in the rain was as careful as holding a lost treasure.

"I want to be with you and I'll never screw it up again." Realizing the need for fidelity in love, Johnny grew into a true lover.

This is really a love movie. It would be a pity and too narrow-minded if it was only classified in gay films.

Good love teaches people love and responsibility, and brings people growth and happiness. Transparent overwhelming sheer joy.

Some people say that Johnny is scum, and it's not worth it for the Romanian brother.

But love is mutual, did Gheorghe not be happy? His warmth has strength and bottom line. It is he who taught that young man to love—love others, love himself, and love the world. He also got this teenager.

A heart that has been wandering for too long, being held in the hands of a young man who is just beginning to love, is such an irony thing for him. Although the boy is still too young to understand what love is. But the young man held his first emotion in front of him, accepted his guidance, accepted his caress, and accepted his loving mentor.

Your teenager repented in front of you and cried sadly, how could he not forgive him.

Gheorghe had been waiting for his boy's arrival when he left the whereabouts note.

Love is so noble and compassionate. This is really the kingdom of God.

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God's Own Country quotes

  • Gheorghe Ionescu: My country is dead. You can't throw a rock in most towns without hitting an old lady crying for her children who have gone.

  • Johnny Saxby: So your Romanian, gypsy, pikey

    Gheorghe Ionescu: Don't call me that