I want to be with you, you freak. You too.

Wendy 2022-04-19 09:02:43

A person who doesn't know what love is, becomes a better person because he meets someone, his life begins to shine, he understands what love is, and he also learns how to love others and himself. Love life. In fact, this is a healing movie. The protagonist finally gains a new life and hope by changing himself, and I want to get some inspiration from it. After all, we must face up to our mistakes and forgive the past Your immature self, because that's the price of growth.

Two men, with a hut, run a common farm and tend sheep together every day. This is Jack's lifelong wish in "Brokeback Mountain". With Jack's sudden death, this wish and "Brokeback Mountain" have become permanent pain for the audience. Twelve years later, this "Kingdom of God" tribute to "Brokeback Mountain" makes up for the pain in the audience's heart in a tender way.

Watch other people's movies and reflect on your own life. The director also hopes that such a film can give everyone hope. In fact, everyone can have a happy ending, and it's up to others.

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God's Own Country quotes

  • Gheorghe Ionescu: My country is dead. You can't throw a rock in most towns without hitting an old lady crying for her children who have gone.

  • Johnny Saxby: So your Romanian, gypsy, pikey

    Gheorghe Ionescu: Don't call me that