Somewhere in Time

Derrick 2022-04-20 09:02:11

Wait... The deja vu smile of the deja
vu in the photo is because it was completely bloomed for you at a certain moment in the past, and it is destined that you will use the present time to go back to the past when we used to know each other and find out who we once knew and stayed with. Tianming knows that there is still separation, and I would rather spend my whole life desperately just for that sentence, come back to me. It turns out that the movie can also close your eyes to enjoy, feel, feel the story inside, the atmosphere of the story, lyrical and mixed with oppression The background melody seems to be to break the shackles of time and turn back time... The last scene should end, Richard is sitting facing the curtain, his face is dead, especially his eyes, and maybe the tears that haven't fallen, really I can't find the right words to describe it, such as the love myth in ancient China. The extreme madness should be indifferent, yes, Richard just left like this, and no one was allowed to disturb him, so he left quietly like this. The soul leaves the body to seek the love that has long been desperate. It is difficult to use words to express the feelings in the story. Please allow me to be so hypocritical. The addiction of the soul is completely in the emotional state. It does not require any objective sobriety. Don't care, because it doesn't seem important anymore, just close your eyes, listen to the melody, think about the picture, moment, freeze, disappear...

Waking up from a beautiful fantasy is more cruel than dying in a fantasy. It's cruel to forget oneself or even lose one's life. It's just like I'm extremely reluctant to see the time in the film move back little by little. How can I make me Back to fantasy? The reality cruelly pulls you out of your fantasy, you are grief-stricken, and despair indicates that you cannot return to a beautiful dream again, only death can save perfection, such an ending is a bit vulgar, the whole story gives people It also feels real, why can't the ending be more hazy?

The things that others have revered countless times, I have longed for it countless times, and look forward to it all the time. When this moment really comes and can be witnessed with my own eyes, the feeling is self-evident, and I can be so extravagant in the face of my beloved. I have it, I can't help watching it, I hold it in the palm of my hand, I'm afraid it will disappear, I am sure again, the true love in the soul is not possession, but the spirit, just look at it like this, the pouring of the heart, all the good will always stop At that moment... the
image to interpret this illusory love story is much more beautiful than the direct expression in words. The movie is an art with an illusory color. There is no need to add a clear and real plot to this story, don't deliberately determine anything, the flaws brought by thinking are not the point, as long as you feel beautiful, nothing matters, everything is illusory, just somewhere in time, In the dark, there is such a person, waiting for you, the reincarnation of time is not sure who will fall in love with who first, who will have the pocket watch first, "dream" and "fantasy"? Which word is not precise enough, just that hazy consciousness, returning to "somewhere in time", somewhere in time, staying, stopping, in an instant, the soul is satisfied.

Looking back on the destined fate in reality, we may find that two lovers who are in love actually met each other someday in the previous year, but at that time it was impossible to know that each other was the one who is in love now, nor would they remember it. The people who are now are the people who once passed by. There are too many movies like this. In our life, if there is a cycle of memory replay, we may see that some fates are actually doomed.

There are too many things in the dark. When I first heard the familiar Clawnaff tune, I felt as if I had heard it before, but I could no longer remember when I heard it, let alone when I heard it. The only thing that is certain is the familiar melody.

Back to the most exciting scene

---the heroine is standing by the sparkling lake, and the man who has traveled through time for her is gradually approaching under the shade of the trees, each other's eyes are intertwined, surprised and frightened. wrote: "Is that you?" Is that you, the lover who has been hoping for something in your heart? ---Richard answered so firmly at the time, but later, he has been pondering why Elise asked herself that way when they first met. Reminds me of Jude Law and Kidman in Cold Mountain, when they finally met after many years of separation, but there was a kiss in Cold Mountain, it was just a vague and familiar relationship with each other who were hesitant to meet again. Figure, do not believe or dare to confirm immediately.

It is enough to believe in the feeling of everything good, thinking too much, embellishing too strongly, knowing too naked, it will only become vulgar, and even feel disgusted by myself.

I hope that people who haven't read this story will not feel vulgar after reading my subjective words, at least don't let my words bring doubts about the image, put everything aside and appreciate it sincerely.

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Somewhere in Time quotes

  • Elise McKenna: I am an actress, Mr. Robinson, not a doormat. Do not attempt to wipe your boots on me.

  • Richard Collier: I owe you an apology. I understand you now. You have nothing but the best motives in mind for her, but so do I.