Be cool and live your true self - "Professor"

Austin 2022-12-25 01:15:44

Be cool and live your true self - "Professor"

Today I will introduce an American movie "Professor".

The title of the film is The Professor /Richard Says Goodbye (2018), alias Richard's Goodbye.

This American drama focuses on a terminally ill cancer patient.

Johnny Depp plays Richard Richard, a college English professor. He went to the hospital once when he had back pain and found out that he had stage four cancer. You can live up to a year with immediate treatment and half a year without treatment.

In order to ensure the quality of life, Richard refused to receive treatment and chose to spend the last period of his life recklessly.

As a tenured professor of English, Richard is naturally familiar with various classics and has certainly thought a lot about the meaning of life.

Death is a topic that everyone can't avoid, but it seems that people rarely think about the meaning of death in daily life, even English professors who are full of poetry and books are no exception. Only when death really comes around, people will think about how to live in this life.

When Richard heard the bad news of cancer, his first reaction was the same as that of ordinary people. He was extremely resistant, extremely repulsive, and unwilling. He thought this kind of bad news was really unacceptable. Richard once gave up on himself, ran into the quagmire, and took his students to truancy. Anyway, he had only a few days to live, so why not make a fool of himself, look down on life and death, and everything just happened.

After a period of mischief, Richard successfully accepts the news of terminal cancer. He decided to face death calmly and use the last period of his life to say goodbye to this life.

Having understood many kinds of life and death from his teaching career, Richard decided to live his life without regrets.

A lot of people's lives are unreliable, and they don't even think about their own life until they die.

Many people live their lives peacefully, or die unexpectedly. They don't know when death will come to them, so they never take death seriously.

On the contrary, those who clearly know the duration of their own life, who clearly know that they are about to die, will instead think carefully about the meaning of life, and will treat the few remaining lives with a serious attitude.

Standing in front of a fork in life, some people choose to go left, some choose to go right, and some choose to go straight. Before perceiving death, people will be timid and look ahead, wanting to choose a route that maximizes benefits. When accompanied by death, people will obey their hearts and choose a route that they would never choose before.

Richard calmly accepted death and began to think hard about what to do with the rest of his days. Whether a person has lived for himself in his life, what has he felt, what has been experienced in his life, and what has he left behind?

Fuck it, and fuck it right. As the subtitle of the film says, even if Richard is serious about his life, he has to live his own traces and live a wonderful life. If he lived his whole life as someone else's image, he would be a little sorry for himself, so Richard released himself completely, tried things he had never thought of before, experienced experiences he had never experienced before, and shouted out words he had never spoken before.

Richard said goodbye to his old friends, reconciled with his wife, sent messages to his daughter, and taught his students. He used his dying experience to convey his true self to everyone, and he was also saying goodbye to his own life.

Life is too short to be happy in time,

Be cool and live your true self.

This is the distribution center for hardcore movie fans, welcome to pay attention to the public number: Miaokan Film and Television

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The Professor quotes

  • Claire: The person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last. Love is not an end. It's a process through which one person attempts to know another.


    Claire: That's it.

    Richard: And, in a word?

    Claire: In TWO words, deceptively simple.

  • Peter: Why are you wearing sunglasses?

    Richard: I have cancer. I'm supposed to wear sunglasses in unusual places.