We are just trying to get by.

Laurianne 2021-12-21 08:01:07

After watching Florida Park, it hasn't been less than an hour, but I can't calm down for a long time.

This is a film that I thought was the same as "Little Girl Sunshine" when I watched the trailer. Although "Little Girl Sunshine" is also a good film in my eyes, I think this film has reached its peak, no matter whether it is chosen. The angle, the plot, the photography, the director, nothing makes me personally not amazed by its beauty and exquisiteness.

The story is set in a hot summer vacation. Our protagonist Moonee is an optimistic child who leads a life that should have been miserable. She and her mother Halley live in a motel filled with poor people but whitewashed like a fairy tale world. Her daily life is so colorful under the director’s lens: doing naughty tricks with her friends. Do a little prank; Lai Xixi asked the adult who bought the ice cream for some change and then shared an ice cream; watching the figure of the naked aunt in the hotel (My personal feeling is that this aunt may be a transgender? But maybe I am wrong. ) Then joking and joking; walking in front of one after another big house full of amusement park atmosphere... The

whole hotel is their playground, a real paradise for children. Yes, they live next to the most famous Disney World in Florida (different from Disneyland, the world is the only one in the world), and Disney World also plays a very important role at the end of the film. The reason why this film is called The Florida Project is because the place where they are located is a site that Disney wants to develop but finally abandoned. Compared with the happy children living in decent families who come to see Disney World not far away, ours The little protagonists are undoubtedly living very hard, this is also the director's ingenious comparison method: use gorgeous colors to wrap a reality that is not so beautiful in fact.

The reason Moonee has such an optimistic personality is probably due to her mother who is also big-hearted. From the perspective of any responsible adult, Halley is like a problem girl, and considering her age, Moonee is probably also the product of her teenage rebellion. Although Halley seems to be arrogant on the surface, he actually loves children more than many so-called decent parents. In order to allow her mother and daughter to continue to live in the hotel, she secretly sells her body, she will wholesale some fakes and sell them at the entrance of high-end hotels. Maybe some people will sneer at these behaviors, but I think this is the most beautiful part of the film. , Because in fact, many poor people are in a state of trying to get by, and no one should stand on the moral high ground to judge such an attitude to life, because you are not them, so you never know how hard they live And hard. Someone might ask, why didn't Halley find a decent job, such as working as a waiter in a restaurant like her friend's mother before. I think the person who asks this way is that on the one hand, you didn’t watch the movie carefully. On the other hand, you might not understand that if you have a criminal record in American society, it is difficult to find a decent job, so Halley really did his best to give The daughter provides the best life she can provide. Therefore, I think Halley is actually a very responsible parent who loves his daughter, no matter how this love is exchanged. The reason why our lovely protagonist has such a beautiful character, I think it really benefits from this mother, no matter how others think, I like Halley very much.

And another important protagonist is Bobby, the manager of our hotel. Bobby is probably the best definition of the word good, although his residents may not always respect him, although the children in the hotel are always naughty, but Bobby is the uncle who covers them: it is the one who sees that there is a plot. People and children are close to the uncle who was driven away by the sense of justice when the perverted person was driven away. He was the uncle who wanted to help Halley get back on track, and the uncle who loved every child. Although he, as an outsider, can't interfere too much in other people's family affairs (such as the end of the film), I think he is really a good person with due diligence, very cute.

In the first half of the movie, Moonee and her friends were all kinds of cute collections. The cinema was full of laughter and laughter. At that time, I felt a little boring because I didn’t know if the director just wanted the children to be cute. Then I Found that I was so wrong. I have found that many people criticize this so-called "boring" or even the drama without plot emotion, but I think this is also one of the reasons why the movie makes me love it, because if it is not for the beauty of the previous "boring", "selling cute" and so on, I think the shock of the ending will be greatly reduced.

The plot began to take a turn for the worse from the accidental exposure of Halley's prostitution. At this time, the audience began to realize that although the children and even Halley lived in a beautiful world built by themselves that was full of sincerity and colorfulness, the real world was always cruel. When I saw the high-sounding people in the child protection center, I was really upset. Yes, from an objective point of view, Halley is indeed not a qualified mother, but her love for Moonee is real. In the end, the camera was aimed at her mouth, and the "FUCK YOU" she shouted hoarsely, maybe it was the director's answer to this fucking world.

At the end of the movie, Jancey bravely pulled her to the Disney World in Moonee’s cry. I think it was the director who said: I hope the children can live in innocence forever and not be affected by this cruel world. . I know that many film critics have a lot of criticism about the final ending, because there is indeed a feeling of abrupt end, but I personally feel that this movie has become my favorite movie of the year (before the shocking "Raw Eat" ") important reason. Supposing that the film was changed to a child protection center who took away the crying baby, and then my mother was also caught. On the contrary, I would think that the film immediately became a two-star...

There are also some details in the film that I like very much, such as the noisy helicopter sound that does not have any sensational soundtrack but is always deliberately emphasized; for example, every time Moonee takes a shower, his mother is actually picking up guests, and Halley will put the music very much. Loudly, because she was worried that she would hear "bad deals" outside; for example, Bobby chose to smoke every time he was helpless and didn't know how to help these people; another example was the dissatisfaction of the hotel owner with the arrival of the relief car. In fact, it is these small details that make me feel more distressed about Moonee and Halley, the mother and daughter... and when I walked out of the cinema, I decided that this film was my best of the year.

At the end of the movie, I couldn’t restrain my emotions from crying, although the foreigners around me seemed unmoved, but at the end of the movie, I heard them discussing and felt that it might have hit some of their hearts. Where it is soft, it’s just that everyone has different expressions.

I hope that the domestic audience can have resources as soon as possible.

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Extended Reading

The Florida Project quotes

  • Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

    Jancey: Why?

    Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

  • Moonee: [Moonee and Scooty, sitting on a sofa, eating ice-cream cones] Mmm.

    Bobby: [Ice cream drips on floor] Ok, I warned you: one drip and you're out.

    Moonee: Oh, come on!

    Bobby: 'Out now.

    Scooty: It's gonna melt outside.

    Bobby: It's melting' inside too.

    Moonee: But Bobby!

    Bobby: Out.

    Bobby: [Moonee and Scooty walk out] Thank you very much!

    Moonee: You're not welcome!