another year, always a year

Al 2022-04-20 09:02:41

Tonight's movie can be completely described as "watery".
Ordinary life scenes, ordinary family and social relationships, scripts and actors without any trace of performance.
Maybe someone who is hot-tempered, or someone who is looking forward to drama, leaves the scene in the first three minutes of the movie to find something else.
However, if you watch it slowly, you will find that in this water-like film, the meaning of life is the same spring, summer and autumn, one year, another year.

Undoubtedly, this is a film made for middle-aged or elderly people.

tony and gerri, familiar names, but not the familiar laughter and teasing, instead, the dullness and habit of working together for a lifetime.
At the warm and reunited dinner table, looking around for a week, talking and
laughing on the other side,
those mary and ken who can never face the growth rings of the years, they will always live in their own memories and imaginations, and they are powerless to look at and deal with the life in front of them.
Ronnie, who lost his wife, lives a mechanical life like a puppet.

The loneliness of twilight, the loneliness of being single, the embarrassment and helplessness of life.
In the end, is that so?
Can they, or can we see through this cycle of birth, old age, sickness and death? What is the meaning of life?
At the end of the film, the lonely, confused, helpless and sad Mary left those helpless eyes and complicated eyes.

What do we think of before the screen? Missing what?

I think what the director and screenwriter want to tell us is the most common and most common and most overlooked and forgotten sentence, life is a kind of ordinary happiness.

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Another Year quotes

  • Tom: I seem to remember you got banned from a number of pubs in Hull for shouting about nothing when you were a young person.

    Ken: [retelling the event] "Ken, we like you. You're a good bloke, you're good on the darts, but if you talk about politics again, you're barred!".

    [both burst into laughter]

  • Mary: But he wasn't a bad person. He loved me.

    Tom: Sounds to me that he was a duplicitous shit.

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