Peace & love. The reporter interviewed someone who went to the music festival: Do you think you are holding a music festival here, they died fighting in Vietnam, can they understand what you call peace and love? Someone answered: why won't they?
The original dialogue is as follows: What do you say To All those young men fighting in Vietnam while you're here enjoying yourselves? / we're waging peace, man. We're teaching peace To the world. / you think they're gonna understand That while they are bleeding and dying? / why won't they...
Yes, why don't they understand, peace & love, the simplest and most straightforward expression.
A certain woman: perspective? What self is the most disgusting
The original dialogue reads: I'm pretty sure it's trivial, you know, in perspective. /Ha, Perspective is What shuts out the universe. Everyone with their little perspective. It keeps the love out.
This dialogue actually echoes the affectionate dialogue between the son and his father at the end of the film.
The original dialogue is as follows: Dad, can you just tell me one thing? How have you done it, How have you lived with her more than 40 years? / l love her.
Yes, Dad seems to be a rigid and stubborn old man, but in fact he shows the spirit of hippie, love. Do not magnify personal feelings, and do not prevent others from being free because of personal likes and dislikes. Respect, friendliness, freedom and peace...
Love is the eternal theme, all-encompassing.
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