The ending always has a climax

Sven 2022-04-21 09:03:41

The last season was a double play of little devils; this season is snowGG, who I thought was the first male protagonist. It feels that starting from this season, the director is about to close the line. The savage leader, snow, three silly aunts, Stannis, and all the children of Cersei all die, which is too cruel. The show is still of high quality.

Plot summary:

The savage leader is executed; snow becomes the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch; the three fools marry the skinny; Mormont captures the little devil, but the two share a common destination, Mormont catches grayscale on the way; the high sparrow rises , the queen, the queen's younger brother, and the queen dowager Cersei were all imprisoned by the church, and the contest of faith and kingship began; Meereen, ruled by Long Ma, received resistance from the "Son of the Demon Girl"; Arya worked hard to become a faceless; snow He led the Night's Watch to persuade the wildlings to surrender. Most of the wildlings were willing to surrender. During the boarding process, they were attacked by the White Walkers and suffered heavy casualties. Stannis sacrificed his daughter, but failed in the battle with Little Flay. Ni killed; Cersei's daughter was poisoned; Theon and Sansha escaped, but Brienne rescued them while they were being hunted; Cersei was dragged out by the High Sparrow to parade naked; Night watchman killed.

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The Wars to Come quotes

  • Hizdahr zo Loraq: [after Queen Daenerys distances herself from being a politician] Forgive me. You're right, of course. Still... it's easier to rule happy subjects than angry ones.

    Daenerys Targaryen: I don't expect the Wise Masters of Yunkai to be happy. Slavery made them rich. I ended slavery.

    Hizdahr zo Loraq: They do not ask for the return of slavery. They ask for the reopening of the fighting pits.

    Daenerys Targaryen: The fighting pits? Where slaves fought slaves to the death?

    Hizdahr zo Loraq: In the new world that you've brought to us, free men would fight free men. The pit fighters you liberated plead for this opportunity. Bring some here and ask them yourself.

    Daenerys Targaryen: [adamant] No fighting pits.

    Hizdahr zo Loraq: Opening them would show the people of Yunkai and Meereen that you respect their traditions.

    Daenerys Targaryen: I do not respect the tradition of human cockfighting.

    Hizdahr zo Loraq: If you could...

    Daenerys Targaryen: [angrily] How many times must I say no before you understand?

  • Daario Naharis: You're the Queen. Everyone's too afraid to speak the truth. Everyone but me. You've made thousands of enemies all across the world. As soon as they see weakness, they'll attack. Show your strength... here, now.

    Daenerys Targaryen: That's why I have the Unsullied patrol the streets.

    Daario Naharis: [derisive scoff] Anyone with a chest full of gold can buy an army of Unsullied. You're not the Mother of Unsullied. You're the Mother of Dragons.

    Daenerys Targaryen: [looks down, shakes her head] I don't want another child's bones dropped at my feet. No one's seen Drogon in weeks. For all I know he's flown halfway across the world.

    [sadly shakes her head]

    Daenerys Targaryen: I can't control them anymore.

    Daario Naharis: A Dragon Queen with no dragons... is not a Queen.