Embarrassed accidents and unlucky serial cases can make plainness seem precious

Asa 2022-09-02 06:08:19

This is the kind of movie that I didn’t intend to discuss with you at the beginning. The more comfortable I watched Paul’s embarrassed night, I found it impeccable from the perspective of the plot setting of the story, the rhythm was appropriate and the paving was obvious, and the dramatic turn There are not too many logical loopholes, so far away from the truth, but it always reminds people of the serial unlucky cases that happened to them. There is no epic educational significance and no guessing metaphor. The audience can expand on their own if there is any similarity. Like a general association, what could be more unlucky than watching others at home on a stormy weekend? Tomorrow is Monday, a precious and peaceful Monday.

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After Hours quotes

  • Paul Hackett: Now what? Incredible. Where the hell is he?

    Julie: You know, I live across the street. Would you like a TV dinner?

  • Julie: Look, I had trouble figuring out the tax on checks. So what! I mean, eight per cent is a bitch! So, I make a few mistakes! So, I make a few mistakes! So, sue me!