What if it was a youth comic

Providenci 2022-04-21 09:03:45

Overall the story is good! ! !

But the plot design is a bit too idealistic, and the whole season has not explained what is going on in this worldview. At the critical moment, it is still up to the author to open a plot for the protagonist...

The heroine is also a Virgin of the Heart, but this is a young manga after all...

If it is a youth comic, it is likely to unfold like this:

"The heroine has made huge sacrifices, and even after her naive and helpless bid farewell to several friends, she still failed to succeed... In the end, she became a better breeding supervisor than her breeding supervisor..."

In fact, I still want to know what the complete setting is like. There are still too many loopholes at present, and it is not easy to make this kind of work too long, otherwise it will be boring to drag the plot for several seasons like "Prison Break". It's over... When it's time to finish, finish it decisively, let's see what happens then!

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