Every star has its own language

Ethel 2022-12-16 08:08:46

The article has been reprinted under the authorization of the public account: tiantianmeijuba (tiantianmeijuba).

The new drama "The Good Doctor" has been broadcast to the fourth episode. The autistic doctor played by Freddie Heimer has been well received. Compared with several other new dramas in the same period, the ratings of this drama are also quite good. Oh

This reminds Tian Tian of a new drama released by Netflix some time ago-"Atypical Solitude"

There are no thrilling scenes, and no confusing plots. It just talks about the life of an autistic boy seriously.

There is also a translated title for this play, called "Alien", which is the same as "Atypical Solitude", which makes people feel curious and weird.

I thought that this drama based on autism and loneliness would become a painful tear gas. After watching it, I realized that "Atypical Solitude" turned out to be a different kind of freshness.

It is a family drama, or even a comedy.

You can read it through with a smile and feel healed.

The protagonist Sam, a boy who was diagnosed with autism since he was a child, has a high IQ, loves analysis, records and faithfully abides by all rules, and is not good at communicating with others.

Sister Casey, beautiful and enthusiastic, has been rushing to protect her brother. Even if she is admitted to a noble high school, she still worried about whether Sam's life would get worse without her by her side.

Mother Elsa, a housewife, gave up her life and devoted all her energy to being a good mother and wife.

Dad Doug: He is the most normal of all people. He cares for his wife and tolerates his daughter, but there is actually a vulnerable person under the appearance of Nuan Nan.

The life of the family was going on peacefully

He was 18 years old, fell in love with a girl, and wanted to have a relationship. This incident caused a huge wave.

For an autistic patient, how difficult is it to take the initiative to chase a girl.

During this period, Sam’s psychiatrist Julia has been guiding, and Sam’s Indian colleague has also been giving him ideas, and Sam has begun various bold attempts.

Therefore, the process of chasing girls is also full of unexpected jokes. You can hardly imagine a drama about loneliness but with no bottom line and unrestrained playfulness, with sex-related jokes everywhere, and ridicules from time to time. one time.

It can only be said that "Atypical Solitude" has a unique approach to telling about loneliness.

This drama is also interspersed with a lot of monologues and babbles of Sam

The boy muttered all the thoughts to himself, his incomprehension, his confusion, his hopes, his anger, his desires.

Under normal circumstances, we cannot accurately communicate with an autistic patient and know exactly what he thinks. But the addition of this narration makes everything interesting.

We changed our perspective to look at the confused boy. We know all the thoughts hidden in Sam's heart. There is no obstacle in communicating with him in this way.

When you see the end, you realize that those nonchalant and ridicules are actually true respect for autism.

A child with autism is completely removed from the patient's identity, which is to say that autism is a joke in life.

We are all small dust in the great world, and everyone has the moment to incarnate into an island, but we are not monsters.

When Sam encountered setbacks and fled home in frustration, he said: "Sometimes, I really wish I was a normal person."

Casey’s boyfriend Evan, sat down beside him, patted him on the shoulder, and told him:

"My buddy, no one is normal."

I think this is the theme of this drama.

Who is not hard to be born as a human being?

Who is not eager to join in with a sickly lonely?

The article has been reprinted under the authorization of the public account: tiantianmeijuba (tiantianmeijuba).

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