Definition of the Devil: Honey Juice Educational Film

Viviane 2022-12-21 06:20:06

First of all, there are many people who don't agree with the point of view advocated by this anime. For this point, I want to say that you, as a viewer, as a bystander, have the perspective of God. What qualifications do you have to say that it's a big deal not to watch... Purpose and ghouls It really seems to be in awe of all life. This is an educational film! As an anime adapted from a classic manga, it's unfinished, yes, it's unfinished... Just ending for the sake of ending what the hell is this, less that sense of despair, this full of hope really makes me embarrassed cancer But the sadness of the emotional line is still wise and unfinished, I have to admit that it is not a ghoul... Tell me what the hell can last more than 20 minutes in the last episode and let me roar for a while... Oh, my roommates are sleeping I'd better go to the toilet and face the wall, Xiaoyou, everyone has a Xiaoyou. Human beings have such potential, whether it is their nature or it's sleeping in the body. This doesn't mean death, you haven't discovered it yet...


If the drama is deserted

i will watch again

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Extended Reading

Parasyte: The Maxim quotes

  • Migi: [Shinichi is peeing in a bathroom] Shinichi.

    Shinichi Izumi: [whispering loudly] Jesus, seriously? I told you not to talk when there's people around!

    Migi: Please hold still. I going to try to make your sex organ erect.

    Shinichi Izumi: [still whispering] The hell you are?

    Shinichi Izumi: [Migi starts making him masturbate against his will] Aaaa. No, no, no. Stop that! I can't believe you!

  • Migi: [Shinichi's washing his hands] Shinichi, that's cold.

    Shinichi Izumi: [angry and impacient] Be... Quiet!

    Migi: If you do not wash properly, dermitiphites will propogate. Causing such malities as...

    Shinichi Izumi: [cutting him off] I said *shut up!*

    guy in bathroom: Dude, it's kind of hard for me to pee next to a guy talking to his pecker.