The grandfather of Chinese blockbusters

Vaughn 2022-04-22 07:01:45

The film should be said to be the grandfather of Chinese "blockbusters". Luxurious palaces, vast battlefields, tidal forces, fierce fighting... 60 or 70 years later, it's still the same model, but with more technology.
The film tells a nice story, unlike our blockbuster films, which carry many general and profound philosophies, which make the audience feel tired or amused. When man thinks, God laughs.
Elizabeth. Cleopatra played by Taylor is not just a slutty woman who uses men to serve her, she also has a sincere side of feelings. Didn't she also die for Anthony?

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Cleopatra quotes

  • [to Octavian]

    Antony: You know it's possible Octavian that when you die... You will die without ever having been alive.

  • Julius Caesar: Two hours until dawn. We will hold where we are.

    Agrippa: And what happens at dawn?

    Julius Caesar: I thought you knew. The sun comes up.