The style before and after is extremely inconsistent.

Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:47

This film is too shattered in the later stage... In the early stage, when the male protagonist was trapped in the house and survived alone, all emotional changes were real and reasonable. At first, he didn't say goodbye to the delusion that everything was normal, to the desperation of being alone without water and food, the ecstasy of just calling his family, and then the next moment from hope fell into the abyss of the death of his family, he would suddenly bravely want to scream when he was in a trance. Attract the zombie to save the policewoman, and then quickly wake up after the zombie pushes the door to unleash all potential for survival... These emotional changes of the male protagonist are in line with the reactions of ordinary people, so it is easy to empathize. This is also the highlight of the film that touches me. But in the later stage, escaping from the corpse's mouth, the two vs. countless large groups of fantastical trends are really speechless... Especially the powerful zombies who couldn't stop the door even with the refrigerator in the early stage, can be used by the heroine one by one, the strength of the zombies is suddenly strong and suddenly Weakness will only greatly reduce the sense of substitution and realism in the early stage. I would rather the helicopter at the end is just an illusion between the hero and heroine who have a strong desire to live and die... If the last scene is that they board the helicopter in the gilded afterglow of the sunset and laugh at each other, the next moment the tone changes to show that they are engulfed by zombies or fall from the building. Damn, this movie can still save me in my heart.

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