Stray childhood

Ophelia 2021-12-21 08:01:07

This "Florida Paradise" entered my field of vision with a destructive posture. It is like an impactful sketching, allowing the audience to see a wild and long stray childhood, a group of desperate fringe figures' life trivia, and a series of true portrayals of the lives of the American people at the bottom. All of these are intertwined with each other, which makes people feel uncomfortable when they watch. But perhaps it is this powerful psychological impact that is the real charm of this movie.

This movie is not difficult to remind people of last year's " American Sweetheart ", this work is also a good work reflecting the lives of the people at the bottom, I personally like it very much. But in comparison, I have to say that I am more attracted to this "Florida Paradise". Because compared with the former, this "Florida Paradise" chooses to tell the story through the eyes of children. The child's innocence and original ecology make this movie's perspective more unique, stronger in contrast, and richer in meaning. And different from the former, this "Florida Paradise" does not compare the low-level people with the so-called middle class. It just portrays the protagonists in the film to reflect the reality that the film wants to reflect.

The film revolves around a mother and daughter who live in a cheap hotel in Florida and "struggle" every day to pay rent and fill their stomachs. Mother is a girl in her early 20s, a typical "unscrupulous girl" in the eyes of many people. And the daughter is also in the state of her mother's "stocking", enjoying a carefree "wild" childhood with a few of her friends all day long. In their own eyes, this kind of living state of living is not enough, as long as some food and shelter are enough.

At the beginning of the movie, several children in similar living conditions spit on other people's cars in cheap hotels. In such an act that ordinary people think is very excessive, the movie kicks off, and this opening also lays the foundation for the whole film. Tone. The behavior of several children in the movie is simply "there is no worst, only worse". For them, they lied to cheat money to buy ice cream, or pulled the switch to make everyone in the hotel look at each other. Darkness is commonplace. Compared with the later burning of the old house, it can be said to be innocuous.

Many of the behaviors of these children are ridiculous, even cute. At their age, F word is incredible enough to open their mouths and shut their mouths, not to mention the scenes when they promote fake perfumes as little adults. But they don't understand what they are doing. They just imitate. They only know what benefits will be brought to them by doing so. In their opinion, this way of speaking and behavior is the right way to survive.

However, in the eyes of these children, you cannot see guilt or regret. No one tells them what is right and what is wrong; their eyes are so clear from start to finish, you almost never see pain in their eyes. . And this is also the most touching part of this movie. The children's many behaviors are uncontrollable. But after we laughed, what we see through the children's eyes is the reality that makes people extremely heartbroken, cruel and helpless.

The film's director Sean · Baker has a very sharp vision casting, he chose the actor a lot from life, and some even stranger he met at the time of water and soil, can be chosen is the "passers" show It exudes a kind of original persuasiveness. The little girl Brooklynn Prince, who plays the female number one, was praised by the director for her innate performance. The girl Moonee, who played by her, exudes amazing performance throughout the film. According to the director, the little girl was in the last minute. I'm pretty carefree in front of the camera, and I will innocently chat with you about her life in the next minute during the break of the set. Bria Vinaite, who plays mother Halley, is an internet celebrity the director found on Instagram. She can interpret a single mother with such exaggerated behavior so vividly, and it is indeed impressive. It is the performances of these two leading actors that make this movie more convincing.

The hotel where the protagonists live in the movie is called "Magic Castle". This hotel is painted a lavender. Compared with the blue sky and green trees in Florida, this purple seems somewhat out of place, just like the little protagonist who lives here, what she did, when placed in her age, seemed out of place. But when these two "incompatible" are put together, this building has become the warm "castle" of the little protagonist. Although she is separated from the real castles built in Disneyland by one wall, she is not destined to be the little princess who walks into these castles.

At the end of the movie, the little girl who knew she was going to be taken away cried for the first time in the whole film. She took her companion and ran all the way to Disney and towards the real castle. No matter if they ran into the castle without hindrance, or the montage arranged by the director, the picture of the movie at this time is full of magical feeling. Although there are deliberately sensational suspicions, it is also a small hope for the little protagonist’s childhood; also for the audience to experience this cruel childhood after 2 hours of "realistic picture" impact Send it a touch of tenderness.

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The Florida Project quotes

  • Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

    Jancey: Why?

    Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

  • Moonee: [Moonee and Scooty, sitting on a sofa, eating ice-cream cones] Mmm.

    Bobby: [Ice cream drips on floor] Ok, I warned you: one drip and you're out.

    Moonee: Oh, come on!

    Bobby: 'Out now.

    Scooty: It's gonna melt outside.

    Bobby: It's melting' inside too.

    Moonee: But Bobby!

    Bobby: Out.

    Bobby: [Moonee and Scooty walk out] Thank you very much!

    Moonee: You're not welcome!