They are forever young.

Barton 2022-04-21 09:03:04

Thank you Peter Jackson for this documentary. The coupons are worth it, a very meaningful documentary. Soldiers say the war is pointless and it doesn't matter who wins. They gave their lives, whose child is he? Whose husband and father? Nobody cares. War casualties are not just numbers, they represent millions of families. They are just ordinary people, marching on the battlefield on the corpses of their comrades. They have become numb to these, and have long lost the excitement and blood they had before joining the army. After the war, the homeless went home, the homeless were waiting for a job, and ironically no one wanted to hire them just because they went to war and they were soldiers. People who come home and tell their parents and friends what they've been through on the battlefield: They don't believe it. They will speak words of comfort. They can't empathize with the life, death and cruelty they experienced on the battlefield, and they can only have something to say about these experiences with those who have also been on the battlefield. They don't understand, we don't understand. The cruelty of war can only be understood by those who have experienced it. Only by living to the end is their own victory, and they who are marching on the corpse no longer grow old, they die on the battlefield, and they are forever young.

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They Shall Not Grow Old quotes

  • Soldier: [waving at camera] Hi, mum.

  • Soldier: You don't look, you see. You don't hear, you listen. You taste the top of your mouth. Your nose is filled with fumes and death. But the veneer of civilization has dropped away.