the Gifted

Annabelle 2022-11-19 11:16:39

It's a great TV series. After watching 13 episodes in one go, the plot is as smooth as water, and there is still no end to it. I saw the text on the poster that you can't escape what you are. Many times, like my younger brother Andy, I find that I have abilities that I always want to show, but I agree more with my sister's way, being more mature and rational. He hid his abilities for three years, and became more calm in the face of difficulties and dangers. I admire the parents in the play. They really set a good example. They really care about and care for their children, and at the same time try their best to care for their growth and respect them. No matter what kind of cultural aggression it is, I have to admit that the propaganda of family responsibility is positive, whether it is the father as a prosecutor who chooses to stand on the side of the child without hesitation, or the father's father in order to make the child a normal person, A lifetime of forbearance because of love makes people cry. This call must be played. It is said that Polaris has been very hot recently, and likes her green hair very much, she is extremely individual. I have to mention the dreamer inside which I think is very sexy. There is also Claris, I thought it was Chinese, but I didn't expect it to be Korean. I seem to have seen it a few times, and I like it very much. When I grow up, I am more and more able to understand the dilemma in TV dramas and the intricacies of it. How should I choose? Should I choose to stick to the justice in my heart and stick to myself, or to resist reluctantly and use violence to overcome violence. I think that in the end, someone should insist on justice, and the world will not be engulfed by darkness. As the couple said on the way to the agent turner's house, the quiet bungalow and the neat lawn reminded her of her own home, and she was like them, even if someone was in pain, she could choose to ignore it with peace of mind your own life. So, be grateful for the peaceful and beautiful life now. When you are with your family, although there are quarrels, as long as you are together, you can face everything.

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