You are the adventure of my life

Josie 2021-10-13 13:05:46

Do you believe in love?
I believe you.

When did we start to disbelieve in love, when did we dare not talk forever, when did our worship of matter stripped our faith in love itself? We are used to entering or exiting love after love, and then regard it as an exercise in love. Our world is too impetuous, so impetuous that there is no heart to seriously manage a life-long relationship.

However, the reality we are talking about can't conceal our inner desire for everlasting time. The warmth of holding your hand and growing old with your son has settled down bit by bit over the years. Through the morning sun, if the person beside me who is sleeping fast is the one who has never changed, I think that would be the perfect gift from God.

UP is for those who still believe in love, but the warm picture makes people burst into tears. Let me take our dreams to adventure, the cross on my chest is my lifelong promise to you. I want our house to be rooted in Paradise Fall, where you most wanted to go, and I want to help you realize your childhood desires.
However, when I finally got to the place you always wanted to come, I realized that the end of your expedition has become a life-long friendship with me since you met me.
Thank you for the life-long adventure.

I burst into tears when I saw this.

We don't need another unrelated person to practice love, we don't need to follow the impulsiveness of the outside world to toss love, we don't need a person who dare not desire forever to consume our love. That is not love.

I met you in a crowd of thousands of people, and I fell in love with you for a long time. There are such opportunities for everyone in a lifetime. If it happens to be, that you also fell in love with me at the same time. Then this may be the most beautiful gift God has given me.

Therefore, let this kind of relationship return to its original nature, let the morning sun shine on your sleeping cheeks, let the passage of time quietly engrave on your eyebrows, and let the accumulation of years bloom with consistent and beautiful love.

If I fell in love with that who, or that who fell in love with me. Please work hard to manage this relationship. This is a long and long life adventure, but as long as you are around, I have the courage to realize it.

Or in the end, we can't stay together for a lifetime, but as long as we always believe in love in our hearts, then that adventure we once will become a memory that will never fade, hidden in the memory.

This is a movie for people who still believe in love. In the adventure of this life, you may be my end point.

Thanks to this UP that we almost missed, let us still find the love that was almost forgotten by us in the noisy world; also thank the tears that slide through the corner of our eyes, let us discover that the hypocrisy and worldliness have faded away and we still long to stay together for a lifetime Happiness.

I believe in love
because I believe in you.

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!