No one's serious at 17.

Mortimer 2022-12-17 03:11:05

It's a girl's process of finding herself in adolescence.
Sex is the way Isabella chooses.
On the hasty early night with strangers on the beach, she was expressionless, and the only thing she saw was herself walking from the seaside, which was a symbol of her initial self-awakening.

Selling nude photos on the Internet, assisted dating, and sex are her tools to make money.

In front of the psychiatrist, she insisted on paying for the consultation with her own money. When she saw her mother's unbelievable eyes and was affirmed by the psychiatrist, she smiled. This was a self-insistence, and she succeeded.
But the accidental death of the elderly client was a shock to her. The impermanence and fragility of life unfolded under her legs. She chose to return to the normal life track and love life like an ordinary 17-year-old girl.
It's a pity that promiscuous sex is addictive, especially for young, beautiful girls who don't have strong self-control. The appearance of the wife of the old client is like a seduction or maybe a push away. What will happen to Isabella's life after that, we don't know, just like we don't know the future.
But in a confused adolescence, what is needed is not an answer, but a process of finding.
after all

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Young & Beautiful quotes

  • L'homme de la Mercedes: What's your name?

    Isabelle: Isabelle.

    L'homme de la Mercedes: Isabelle... What a lovely name. And you're 17. Have you ever done this before?

    Isabelle: Yes, what do you want?

    L'homme de la Mercedes: A blowjob but without condom.

    Isabelle: Sure.

    L'homme de la Mercedes: [after they have sex at the backseat of the car] Wow. You're pretty good at this for a 17 year old girl. Do you know what they say?

    Isabelle: What?

    L'homme de la Mercedes: Once a whore, always a whore!


    Isabelle: Yeah?