There are no magicians in this world

Carmel 2022-04-22 07:01:42

So sad.
I saw the recommendation on Zhihu, and said that there are some movies that do not have dead people but make people feel lonely and desperate.

So I saw this, a real and heartfelt movie.
When a movie's plot and ideas are deep enough, you don't even need to mention its equally perfect picture and soundtrack.
I saw the decline of the old artists and the old industries, only the magicians with old tricks, the three brothers juggling, the clowns who tried to commit suicide by drinking alcohol, and the entertainers who knew ventriloquism. They are all being eliminated by television, movie and rock stars. Music halls in big cities have long since lost audiences. Occasionally there are a few elderly people left, and they can see through it at a glance. There is no more applause, or they can only To do something else for a living, the juggling bros paint the walls, and the magician sells wares in the mall windows. Or, retreat to remote small towns, where they can still be welcomed, but not for long. They all gave up their professions one by one, whether it was a released rabbit or a ventriloquist doll that was still unclaimed for free, it made people look uncomfortable.

I think the magician is more of a kind of protection for the little girl. Both of them are very friendly and kind-hearted people. You made me a little magic trick, and I will help you do the laundry. If I found your shoes rotted, I secretly went to buy you a pair. If you want to leave, I will go with you.
I always thought it was the magician who saved the little girl and brought her out of that little pub. Some of the details of their relationship are the only things that comfort me in those dark and oppressive realities. For example, when he saw a hole in the socks of the little girl when she changed her shoes, the magician silently exited the room. The little girl cooked a pot of broth, and the magician was obviously worried about whether it was his own rabbit, but in front of the little girl, he was still confused. As if nothing happened. The little girl's bowl of soup also saved the clown. The magician has been guarding the little girl's belief in magic and doing her best to satisfy her preferences. I don't think the little girl is an insatiable person, she still retains that innocence from the fact that she wants to use candy (I don't know if it's a candy, it's a little one conjured by a magician) for a necklace. She just grew up and, like every little girl does, going into a big city feels inferior, wants a nice coat, skirt, and heels, and falls in love with a guy and goes with him. Seriously, when I saw the little girl's suitcase in the living room, and the man was waiting for her downstairs with her coat, I was thinking, she has decided to leave the magician, just like every daughter grows up Like leaving the father.

After traveling around so many places, the magician finally hit the road alone. On the train, the pencil of the little boy who was drawing dropped, and the magician picked it up and hesitated whether to give him his long pencil, but in the end he didn't. Because there is no magic in the world. At that moment, I saw the dim light in the little boy's eyes.

Oh, by the way, I also listened to the ending song, read the staff list, and finally had an Easter egg. However I'd rather not see it.


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