The Magician's Commentary Part 2 - Story and Space

Marlen 2022-04-22 07:01:42

Magician's Commentary Part 2 - Story and Space

Space is the basic element of a movie, and it is closely related to the content. After watching The Magician, my impression of the space is mainly in two aspects. The first is the spatial structure design directly related to the storyline, and the second is the "stage" space where the story lines meet.

The space directly related to the plot is more obvious in the plot where the girl and the young boy pay attention to each other. The narrow street allows the two separate buildings to be close together, and it is easy to see the opposite side from the window. Although there are many ways to arrange two people to meet each other, the setting of such a space can improve the narrative efficiency, and it is also in line with an implicit and romantic story style. Just a simple look at each other and a few small gestures can pave the way for the atmosphere of opposites attracting each other. It's a great foundation for later encounters, chats, and kisses.

Another impressive spatial structure is the magician's attic on the island. When the girl took the magician's clothes back to the room, she stayed there for a while. Feathers flying outside gave her the illusion that it was snowing and lit the magician's fire. When the magician went downstairs, he was a little surprised to see the room illuminated by the fire. These plots are not the main conflict that drives the story, but they can affect an inner undercurrent that makes the relationship between the two people closer.

Of course, there is another plot that is directly determined by the space. When the magician encounters a girl and a young boy on the street, he panics and runs into the cinema with the hanger. Through an old movie to illustrate his situation at that time.

As the stage space where the clues of the story meet, it is very important to the whole story, and it is also very clear: on the island, this stage space is the small attic where the magician lives. It's a hotel room in Edinburgh.

From the first encounter between the girl and the magician, the narrative of the story has changed from simply telling the encounter of the magician to depicting the continuous alternation of the two clues of the magician and the girl at the same time. The main convergence point of the two clues is the room where the magician lives, the small attic and the hotel.
In the attic on the island, there were three appearances in total. After the first meeting at the door, the girl brought the boy to his room, and secretly took a piece of the magician's clothes and washed it for him; the second time, the girl returned the clothes Afterwards, the magician performed magic tricks for her, gave her coins, she helped the magician do laundry, and the magician noticed her shoes; the third time, the longest, was mainly the activity of the girl alone in his room, seeing Before and after new shoes.

The hotel room in Edinburgh is a very important stage. In the next fifty minutes, it appeared more than a dozen times. The relationship and conflict between the two are constantly being displayed and advanced layer by layer on this stage space.
For example, a very important scene here is that the magician works in the maintenance station at night, and goes back to the room in the morning to have breakfast with the girl. The film took more than ten minutes to tell about the events from the evening to the morning for more than ten hours, and arranged the magician, the girl, the clown, and the ventriloquist into this plot. Pushed the whole story to a peak. This peak fully describes the kindness of girls. It also compares the attitude of the magician with the attitude of the clown and the ventriloquist. Although the magician has gone through hardships, the moment with the girl is full of happiness and romance. After this peak, the clowns are gone, the ventriloquists start begging and drinking, and the magicians lose their jobs, sell their props, and try new ways of making a living. Immediately afterwards, the girl begins to fall in love, and the romantic happiness that the magician has worked hard for is also facing a crisis.

Finally, the magician left Edinburgh alone. The girl looked sadly in the room at the note left by the magician and the projection of the wind-blown book page on the wall under the night light. Let this stage draw a perfect ending to the story.

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