Illusionist (Written on March 30, 2011)

Luigi 2022-04-22 07:01:42

It's rare to dislike a cartoon, but The Illusionist, I don't like it even after thinking about it.

The story of [Illusionist] is about a down-and-out magician who meets a girl who believes in magic. In order to preserve the girl's innocence, he worked hard to satisfy her endless desires. It's just that fewer and fewer people believe in magic in the world, and magicians can't stand it anymore...

After watching the film for about 15 minutes, Li Zimei felt that the story was not right: 1. The girl who really believes in the transformation of brocade food from magic, I'm afraid Unique in the world. The so-called belief is probably all fake, right? 2. For a girl who has never met before, the magician is willing to give so much, is it really just to preserve her innocence, or is there something else? Since the bad impression has already been formed, the future stories will become less and less interesting. Shu Li is too sophisticated, the relationship between magicians and girls, I only think of the word "ugly".

However, the film is not without moving people. The wandering and desolateness of a group of performers really taught Li sympathy. Maybe the magician is working so hard for the girl's approval? I hope so.

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