There is no magician

Stephon 2022-04-21 09:02:58

Suddenly I remembered Vivy, my English teacher in college, she was a beautiful, thin lady who liked to talk about her own children. When I was studying, I liked her class very much. Many boys in the class would not skip her class. After all, it is not a bad thing to see a beautiful woman. She likes to let us discuss interesting topics and is always the first to share the latest movies with us. There was a discussion about shopping, and everyone was asked to talk about why they were shopping. At that time, when I was a freshman, I talked about feeling that once the time came to the weekend, the dormitory would become very empty. Because several other classmates in the dormitory were close to their homes, and at that time, everyone just went to university and preferred to go home. In order to avoid the dormitory of one person, I chose the city center on weekends. It seems that watching different people do different things and watching people laugh makes me feel so happy. Vivy took the conversation and said that she also liked to go shopping when she was studying. Seeing people coming and going on the street, it seemed like she was no longer alone.

Whether the magician on the stage is like this, or is it just lonely in the empty applause. The decline of the real market drives the magician across the ocean to Great Britain, where he meets a girl who worships magicians. Thinking that magic is magic, the mystery hidden under the silk scarf is a surprise when it is revealed. The magician gave the little girl a dreamlike and simple world in his own way, and at the same time, he had to cover up the bitterness behind the beauty subtly. Time flies, and the little girl who has never seen the market bids farewell to the worn pair of shoes, and gradually has new clothes and skirts in the window. In ignorance, he also met his Prince Charming. But the magician who quietly transformed all this has to withdraw from her life and leave silently. There are no magicians in the world, magicians are always trying to entertain and make people happy. However, there is no way to change his life like magic, and he will go with the flow according to the arrangement of fate.

Chen Kexin talked about what Hong Kong people are, and the people who come to Hong Kong first are Hong Kong people. The little girl in the movie, when she first came to the city, was not only attracted by the models in the window, but also noticed the gazes of others looking at her. In the process, she herself became more and more "foreign", and girls like her continued in their lives. The times are calling people to move forward, and people are constantly pushing the times. The circus was in decline during the boom years of TV and rock music, but time has shown that they don't.

There is a surprise at the end of the film, this is because I prefer to listen to the ending song. Vivy seems to have also said that she doesn't understand why people leave when the lights are on in the movie theater. In fact, the ending song is also part of the movie, so she is always willing to stay in the theater until she finishes listening to the song. Is it not that we always leave too soon for other people's stories?

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