Want to marry Sylvia Qomai again and again

Aletha 2022-04-20 09:02:10

The script isn't Sylvia Chomai's own, so The Magician doesn't look that spicy. The whole film is very restrained, and compared to the aggressiveness of "Miraidu" or "The Old Woman and the Dove", "The Magician" is closer to the cold tone of European-style animation, and there is a unique kind of sea breeze. Cold, this is also a tribute to Sylvia to Jacques Arti. However, Sylvia's accustomed "sense of harmony and discord" painting style has not been lost. In this film, he still presents many pictures with an inexplicable sense of disharmony, but these sensory stimuli add up to a charming grotesque.

At the beginning, the magician stepped out of the black and white curtain. The uncoordinated proportions of the magician's head and body, his exaggerated and even clumsy movements, and his dull and numb expression gave the viewer a kind of internal and external stimulation. Speak a sad tone.

For two minutes and thirty seconds, the picture suddenly changed color. After the curtain opened, I couldn't help laughing when I saw the magician wearing a bright crimson suit and orange socks. What a person who is willing to take life seriously. And life doesn't want to take him seriously. The curtain covered his head, unable to catch the clumsiness of his own rabbit, the applause of the sparse audience, and all kinds of people who came and went numb. When you come back to your room, take off your red suit, or leave a white vest to show your old arms, or wear a dark green suit when you walk. This is life for what it is. The French fringe created by Silvia is always so bleak, and the next story that is close to a fairy tale is that Silvia tells you that it is just the first step of heartbreak.

There is no need to make too many evaluations about the fact that no one cares about magician magic. There is no superiority in art itself, and there is nothing wrong with who loves which art form. The magician's situation is not caused by other people's artistic aesthetics. Magicians are also embraced in the Scottish countryside. There is one girl, Sylvia highlights her differences. The rest of the people, whether they are happy or indifferent, show their eyes closed, and there is no conflict between numbness and happiness. The girl's eyes are surprisingly large, and there are many things in her eyes, and the desire and needs in them suggest that these things will probably affect the magician's second half of his life.

What follows is a heartbreaking realist fairy tale. There are some contradictions, but Sylvia is not contradictory, saying it is realism, because Sylvia has always been nostalgic and silent, and the reality of the storyline, but it is a fairy tale, because the whole picture is beautiful and beautiful. During the time when the magician and the girl were together, the whole picture was bright, and unlike the darkness that was shown when she was alone before, Sylvia showed more morning light and bright colors during this time. So the girl came to the magician, took away the magician's material and belongings, and brought love and companionship. It has nothing to do with whether the girl is innocent or pretending to be stupid. Is her arrival the magician's redemption or disaster? I think this has probably become a kind of "deal", which is not pleasant, but it is not unreasonable. Companionship and material things, we get what we need from each other, and we gain from each other. We have seen the sadness and helplessness of the magician, but he also has happiness and satisfaction. This is the first time he has felt that others are happy because of what he has given. The feeling of being needed makes the magician stop being a numb person and become a person willing to do any job, a person with emotions. Thinking of another Italian film "Best Bid", the old man used a wall of famous paintings in exchange for a night of turbulence with his favorite woman. Is it a gain or a loss? The parties understand it best. Of course, the magician is still a traditionalist. He refuses new clothes and no new vehicles, so he is still warm to the changes of life. The rabbit who has been by his side for the longest time seems to be another self in his world who is willing to be irritable and face life. He's too sweet, and Rabbit grumpily helps him shout and laugh at the fucking life.

In the end, the girl followed the boy she loved, and the magician let go of his rabbit, which was a complete compromise. Regarding the statement of father's love, although there is Sylvia's thinking, and it is pointed out at the end, I don't want to add too many connections to the two people. When people add a relationship, they become Much more complicated. And life, who does not live alone. When the lights in the streets and alleys were all turned off, there was still a firefly glowing in Yingying. The magician is no longer willing to give children fantasy on the train, but he still hopes to use magic to make others happy. The fairy tale ends, and real life has to continue, right?

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