The original simplicity and beauty will eventually be lost in the light of the world

Guillermo 2022-04-19 09:02:35

I haven't written a movie review for a long time, and I feel that I haven't watched such a quiet and simple moving animation for a long time.

I don't know why, when I first watched it, there was a sense of the strange uncle and little loli of "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", but from a deeper perspective, it is more like a helpless and bitter work that reveals the world.

Ever since I started to understand the world, my mother has always explained and instilled in me the wise saying "Men should be poor and women should be rich". The dark scenes and the slightly ink painting style in the film bring a touch of sadness and helplessness to the film itself. Speaking of this, I have to sigh the excellent animation. As a child studying in the UK, the scenes in the UK are so familiar and vivid, the rainy British weather, the desolate and beautiful Edinburgh, the beautiful but aristocratic London, the cold daytime The impetuous British at night, the rebellious British rock, the dim and damp British small bar, all have very realistic portrayals in this animation.

I have been to Edinburgh twice, and I still remember that it is such a refined city. Although it is not as far from the world as a paradise, it has a primitive atmosphere and nature that many cities do not have. The magician and the little girl in the film meet in a tavern, and the little girl is a girl worker in the tavern. She has seen all kinds of people in a hotel where tourists come and go since she was a child, and she also lived a life that was almost the same without any major changes. The old magician with a cold but kind-hearted appearance made her a slightly darker life. A bit of novel anger, in her eyes, the magician is a gentle, gentleman, wise and kind male. In today's worldly atmosphere, due to the development of society and the change of the social status of men and women, more and more girls go into society and work hard for themselves. Tough on the outside but lonely on the inside longing for a warm self-life. In the seemingly blooming city, many girls can't hide their inner desires. At the same time, the male idols in childhood, the handsome teenagers in the next class, and the almighty seniors are already in the big and empty space. Appearing small in the world, a gentle and kind image like a father began to live in the hearts of more and more girls. Although the relationship between the magician and the little girl in the film is not completely in line with such a secular tendency, it also has an indispensable symbolic meaning. In the eyes of the little girl, the magician is tall and omnipotent. He can "change" what the little girl wants, from elegant high heels to gorgeous coats and beautiful clothes, everything is just an ordinary It's not good enough. On weekdays, the rough tea and light meals are all yearning for the working girls in rough cloth and linen. So, the little girl followed the magician, even if they met by chance, even if they didn't understand the language. But one thing is clear, the appearance of the little girl actually gave the magician who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside a little bit of anger in the lonely drifting life, but the little girl did not follow the magician's heart-to-heart understanding and willingness to drift with it. The heart, in the final analysis, is for one's own destiny, one's own inner yearning and longing. In the secular river, more and more girls, out of frustration with the entire social dynamics, will choose an object that matches their inner yearning, just like a cruel but realistic sentence: For things like love, men have , There is no woman, a woman's love is called whoever treats me well, I will go with whomever.

The relationship between the magician and the little girl is far from love, but the choice in the little girl's heart conforms to a standard that women choose for men. As everyone knows, this gentle and kind magician seems lonely and indifferent, but he has a kind of sincere concern for children, just like he finally picked up the pencil for the little girl on the train. The magician's concern for the little girl also accompanies the whole play. He doesn't show much enthusiasm and attention, but secretly and silently helps the girl who is not familiar with the world, and slowly appreciates the novelty in life, and also slowly. Slowly changed the sackcloth and linen, and slowly began to have a feminine charm. It's just sad that the girl has a new self-awareness due to her own changes, her world said goodbye to the sackcloth and linen, and her inner desires began to turn to a deeper realm of love between men and women. She began to associate with a young young man, forgetting to this old man who showed her the world.

In fact, the heartbreaking scene in the film is that the magician hides behind a hanger on the street, for fear of disturbing the intimate couple, his face is not angry and dissatisfied, but like a frightened child, Helpless is heartbreaking. It's like a father's tolerance for an ignorant daughter.

At the end of the film, the magician's indifferent departure, and the phrase "there is no magician in the world" that speaks thousands of words, instantly expounds a lot of helplessness. At first, we all have our own simplest ideals and hopes, but we all want too much in our hearts, and when we lose those simple things, we silently find that it is difficult to turn back.

Because it is the world, there is nothing I can do, because it is the world, so many times, I have to go on the road alone and continue my life.

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