We're the biggest fools and still having fun

Kale 2022-04-19 09:02:35

This is an animation with no lines and no dialogue, supported only by nostalgic colors and a soothing soundtrack.

Most expressed sympathy for the middle-aged magician and distaste for the "greedy" country girl. They believe that the magician fulfills his inflated wishes again and again because he is kind and doesn't want to disappoint the girl. The girl turned into a modern city girl in the end, and he himself left the city in despair. But I feel that the real reason for this ending is that the magician subconsciously created such a huge illusion for himself in order to escape the cruel real life. In this illusion of life, there was no indifference or ridicule, but only the admiration and admiration of the girl, so he deceived himself and willingly gave everything until this illusion was shattered.

Just imagine, is there any shadow of us in the magician? Haven't we worn ourselves out by hiding our shortcomings from our lovers and beautifying our lives from our friends in order to whitewash the unsatisfactory reality? These are not "scam tricks". We ended up being the biggest fools and having fun.

A lot of people don't like the ending, thinking it's lonely and sad; but I think it's pretty good. At least at the end of the story, the magician learned to let go. He released the rabbit and left the girl. The important thing is that he didn't fantasize about the children on the train again.

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