Vanity, my favorite sin

Kallie 2022-09-21 00:41:00

The lead singer of a band with a little psychic ability, in order to quickly become popular, he called out Satan (Lucifer), traded with him, sold his soul to the devil, in exchange for his own rapid popularity, like everyone who has sold souls, he Regret it-is there no regret when dealing with the devil? The difference is that he has some psychic abilities. Therefore, he found a person who was born on the same year and the same day as himself, and performed an extremely cruel and mysterious ritual. His study of rituals, he became that person after eating, and what the devil got was the former him. Unfortunately, if Satan is so weak, how can he grow his team?

At the beginning of the movie, a private detective, Harold Angel, picked up a job, and a man named Louis Safer (Robert De Niro) went to find a singer named JonnyFavourite, his original name was Jonathan Libelling. Louis said, I helped him become popular, but he didn’t give me back. Later I went to the battlefield (World War II) and lost my memory when the labor army came back. You helped me find him. No matter whether he is dead or alive, I am not short of money. I just want to know that he is dead now. It's alive, you know, I just follow the oldest principle: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This Louis Sever is gentle, generous and courteous, with long nails, but very clean.

After picking up this live Harold, he actively investigated and found him a reporter Hongyan to obtain some information (this play tells everyone that he is a master flirt). At first, he felt that he would soon have a clue. This case is not difficult. After the war, Jonny was sent to a mental hospital with amnesia, but he was actually taken away a few years ago. The person who took him bribed the doctor in the mental hospital and forged the record that he was still in the mental hospital. He went to find the doctor for questioning. But then it got harder and harder, and the most important thing was that everyone he asked about died. He became scared and found Louis and said that I would not do it. Louis said, I'll call you five thousand, and if I don't do it, I will withdraw. He thought for a while and couldn't resist the temptation-the temptation of money, and the temptation of this huge secret.

Following the clues, he went to Louisiana to find Jonny's ex-girlfriend, an astrologer, to watch palmistry. At the same time, he went to the countryside to look for another ex-girlfriend of his. The ex-girlfriend is a voodoo goddess in this ancient rural tribe, but she is dead. The mana is passed on to her daughter (actually the illegitimate daughter of Jonny Favorite) and the daughter inherited the goddess. Duties, do some pretty weird rituals. But she refused to disclose everything about her mother, so he had to ask the guitarist who used to be in the same band as Jonny. The old man didn’t want to disclose anything. It didn’t take long for the old man to be murdered and his death was cruel (JJ don’t cut it out) . And Margret, the astrologer he had investigated, died too. His death was even more cruel, and his heart was dug out.

At this time he hadn't collapsed, and then he found Margret's father-one of the people who picked up Jonny from the mental hospital. He and his daughter picked up Jonny. He is a psychic himself, and he taught his daughter to psychic since he was a child. Later, he met Jonny and felt that he was very strong. A ritual attempted to redeem his soul (using the life of a young soldier). Later, Jonny lost his memory. In order to remind him of the past, they took him out and put him in Times Square, hoping that he could find himself, but he was lost. .

At this time Harold. Angel began to fall apart. He ran to Margret's studio like crazy, broke a bottle and found the nameplate of the dead soldier. It turned out that he was Jonny. At this moment, his lost memories (or the cruel facts deliberately forgotten) were one by one. When he came back, he was the Jonny who sold his soul to the devil and wanted to redeem it. He was in distress, and Lucifer appeared and told others that he (under the guidance of Satan) killed him-so the people involved in this matter, insiders, and participants were brutally killed by him.

The police showed up, and he discovered that he even raped his illegitimate daughter (that is, the new goddess in the voodoo village) and caused her death. The police said, your crime (rape, incest, death) must be a fire type, his eyes Looking ahead stupidly, he said: I know, in hell.

This is the end of the movie.

Usually this kind of movie does not need to write about the perception, it is already good to understand. At this time, I will think of every line of dialogue arranged earlier: I just want to return what he promised me. I follow an old and simple principle: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (the doctor’s eyes were pierced, and his ex-girlfriend was pierced). Louis Seifer’s long nails also suggested that he was the devil. Once I was eating eggs when I met Jonny. The way to eat was to poke the hard-boiled eggs and sprinkle with salt. At this time, Harold quickly poured out some salt and threw it out from behind his shoulders (it is said that this can blind Satan’s eyes). The subconscious action indicated that he was a psychic, and even when he first saw Louis Sefer, he said that we seemed to have met somewhere (we saw it when we sold our souls). Louis said, no, I haven't seen you. The lawyer who helped Lucifer find Harold was Winesap, and his company was Winesap &Mackintosh. The latter one may be familiar to everyone, that is, Macintosh. Both of these are Apples, and Satan uses them to seduce people.

The other reason I like this movie so much is that he shot New York in the 1950s, which is messy and bad, and the original feeling of shooting the American countryside is very sensational. Even unscrupulously showed discrimination against blacks in the camera. At that time, the affirmative law had not yet been signed, and the blacks had to sit in fixed positions on the bus. Two white police officers even contemptuously said to him that we never engage in blacks, so as not to Give birth to a mixed race. Barren countryside, dusty, chickens and ducks walking around, wild dogs barking, the children have nothing to play, they just open and close rows of mailboxes at the door. The mysterious and bloody rituals of the voodoo religion and various backgrounds make this story of the gods and gods more mysterious and lifelike, thus producing a terrifying effect.

The most familiar movie of this kind of soul-selling movie is Redford’s "The Devil's Advocate" (starring AL Pacino and Keno Levi's). Because the intention of "The Devil's Advocate" is too obvious, everyone knew that AL Pacino was from the beginning. Satan, he can speak any language at will (English, Chinatown Cantonese), he can find an Indian to do it, and make the witnesses in the court speechless. Take the young lawyer to the top of the office building and look down (the devil’s temptation, don’t tempt me), and the ending ended with a nightmare. It was a reunion. When Satan left, he smiled and said the classic to the young lawyer: Vanity, My favourite sin (Vanity, my favorite original sin).

It is true that Satan's temptation is mainly based on human vanity. Once it is sold, it cannot be redeemed, and it will never be restored. Whether it's this play or "The Devil's Advocate", Satan has a polite and gentle image. He even reminded Harold when he spoke foul language that this is a church, so don't talk swearing. This kind of irony is also commonly used in Western religious themes: Satan often appears as a normal person to tempt people. His wisdom and means are not inferior to God, so he can be God's opponent and occasionally gain the upper hand.

Mickey Locke has made a lot of bad movies. Now that I see it, I like this one and "Year of the Dragon".

Another: This commentary is worth a full bathing package at a star-rated hotel:)

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Angel Heart quotes

  • Harry Angel: [woken up by Detectives Sterne and Delmos] Only cops with bad news don't knock.

    Det. Sterne: Only private dicks sleep so late.

  • Epiphany Proudfoot: Hey, what are you after him for? Johnny Favorite.

    Harry Angel: I'm not really after him. I'm just bein' paid to find out where he is.

    Epiphany Proudfoot: He could be six feet under.

    Harry Angel: Then I'll have to buy a shovel.