restless youth

Evangeline 2022-04-21 09:02:56

In the era of blue and gray streets here, there is a luxurious and gorgeous show going on, starting with music.
Here it feels like it is sinful for men and women to hold hands on the street, and there is a manifesto that transcends gender ambiguous genders, starting with music.
Velvet goldmine, a nostalgic film, documentary, or biography of glam rock.

I don't like that kind of heavy makeup, I don't like them saying "I'm Bi~", I didn't know there were two people, one named David Bowie and the other named Iggy Pop, but you might as well know that there was such an era in history, maybe It was the absurdity and lewdness of that time that enabled you now to accept the present world more calmly, the present values ​​and the present aesthetics, without being too entangled.

From birth to death, glam rock didn't last long, but it was like the adolescence we experienced when we were growing up, rebellious, energetic, and sometimes absurd. But anyway, it must exist. After passing by, there is no need to condemn, no need to repent, no need to be nostalgic or bear a lifetime, forget what can be forgotten, and cherish what cannot be forgotten in a corner, and look at it from a distance when no one is there.

I remember Mr. Zhang Tiezhi described this in "Sound and Fury". He said that rock music in the 1960s promoted love & peace, while punk rock after glam rock firmly believed in hate & war. Are these words very similar to our childhood and adulthood? When I was a child, I always felt that the world was full of love, full of sunshine and rain, crying and laughing happily, everything was beautiful, and it seemed that it was an inevitable trend of development. But gradually we feel the troubles of growing up. A large part of this trouble is the discrepancy between the information we receive again and our childhood cognition. This discrepancy will make us lose and struggle, make us angry, and make us accumulate Power wants to find itself, trying to redefine itself and redefine the world. Only with the construction of the "real world" that "belongs to oneself" can we move forward and stand in the ranks of adults to experience and fight against all the filth and complexity.

In the end, the time that wanted to redefine everything was short-lived and died.
we set out to change the world and ended up...just changing ourselves.

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Velvet Goldmine quotes

  • Curt Wild: We set out to change the world... ended up just changing ourselves.

    Arthur Stuart: What's wrong with that?

    Curt Wild: Nothing, if you don't look at the world.

  • Curt Wild: Listen, a real artist creates beautiful things and puts nothing of his own life into them, OK?