[Indian Feminism] I don't need love, I need respect

Cleve 2022-04-23 07:03:36

Recently, I have been crazy about Bollywood movies, and I have to say that Indian movies give me a new surprise every time, maybe because I am also selective, but at present, almost every movie I have watched is 4 Excellent work above. I really admire Indians now. India has a big gap between rich and poor, and its society and culture are backward, but this country dares to face its own dark side, which is impossible for the Chinese dynasty.

So when I saw the title and the synopsis I was intrigued by the film because how much courage does it take in itself when a married Indian woman travels to America alone? And then go to self-study English?

This should be the most tangled Indian movie I've ever watched, because I've been silently rating it in my heart while watching it. I have to say that this is a feminist film that belongs to India, yes, just because the traditional culture of India has always imprisoned the thoughts of most women, I actually think such a film is already very powerful.

In the beginning, it was the heroine's daily routine at home. Every day at home was to cook and sell snacks by herself. This was her only hobby, but the husband always took it for granted and felt that the wife should not run out all day; the daughter was completely I didn't inherit my mother's beauty and intelligence. I spoke English that I didn't understand at all, and laughed at my mother with my classmates in front of my mother. When the parents' meeting came, it was an extremely embarrassing scene. Being disrespected at home, being laughed at by relatives, and the kind of embarrassing details that are so heart-wrenching and embarrassing, the movie performed well, so the audience's hearts have been tugged, and they are too angry.

Last year, I came to study in Singapore, even if it was a place where I could speak Chinese, but I can fully understand the feeling of being tense and not knowing how to communicate when the heroine came to New York alone. Especially when I want to go to a coffee shop to buy things, when I don't understand the menu and the waiter's attitude is not good, I don't want to think about that embarrassing situation at all. I admire that the heroine can still have such great courage to sign up for an accelerated English class in Indian English, which is completely incomprehensible. Every student in the English class, including the teacher, does not have a lot of writing and writing, but has a distinct personality, which finally makes the tone of the whole film happy. The Chinese girls in it are very cute. Of course, what I have to mention is the handsome French guy, who ran out to give coffee to the heroine from the first meeting in a cafe, and unexpectedly reunited in the English class. The young man's silent gestures made the heroine a little irritable. Two people often express their heartfelt feelings in languages ​​that they do not understand each other. Although they do not understand, they may have already understood. With the assistance of her niece, she has been enjoying every day spent in the English class, every English she has learned, and every class she has played with her classmates. So when she saw her husband brought her daughter and son over ahead of time, she had mixed feelings in her heart.

During the three weeks of freedom, she learned English and how to live confidently, but because of the cultural influence in her heart, the heroine chose to forbear in marriage. The English speech at the wedding won everyone's applause, got that diploma, and the phrase

"Family, only family members will never judge you arbitrarily, only family members will never belittle you or make you feel You are nothing, your family is the only person who won't laugh at you with your weaknesses, and your home is the only place where you can always find love and respect." She even slapped her husband and daughter in the face.

I believe that many people, like me, always hope that at some point, the heroine will divorce, leave her husband and daughter behind, and be romantically with the French guy. When faced with the encouragement and comfort of the American niece, her words "I don't need love, I need respect" are unreasonably sad. The family that the heroine lives in may already be considered a relatively high-end family in India, or so...

And what she did and the last speech won the respect of her husband and children again. Her husband should be able to feel the French boy's flirtation, and he will cherish and respect his wife in the future. So the heroine wisely chose to return to the family. But what happened, there is no going back, if she hadn't experienced it or she was really willing to go back home to be a little woman, but now when he goes back to India to take care of the children and make breakfast for her husband Will you remember the man on the other side of the Pacific who brought her French desserts, the group of happy and loving international classmates, the funny GAY teacher, or the old grandpa who gave her the first confidence on the plane?

So in my opinion, it's always a sad ending. But no matter what, it is already very powerful, at least in China, there are not even good films of this theme. (Please recommend)

"If you don't like yourself, you will hate everything around you, but if you learn to love yourself, everything around you will gradually become attractive. The life that was originally silent like stagnant water begins to change. Gotta look new and be beautiful. Thank you for teaching me how to love myself, thank you for making me feel confident in myself, thank you so much.”

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!