"New York Intensive Reading Tour": Easy-to-enter Indian sketches

Aisha 2022-04-23 07:03:36

Shashi, the heroine of "English Vinglish," loves to cook her most delicate little dessert, Ladoos, which is definitely an easy entry for viewers new to Indian Bollywood movies Indian sketch movie. I still remember that there was an advertisement of Lingge style before, which stated that he had learned foreign languages ​​well in three months, and today Lingge style graduated. After three months of learning a foreign language, I don’t know how many people actually succeeded in learning it in the end, but we more or less know that learning a foreign language well is a step towards the world and success. Since the "Three Brothers" saw a high box office in Hong Kong, the filmmakers seem to intend to introduce more Indian films that have received acclaim. Zero One Night" and a sketch called "Lena's Sweet Life" are undoubtedly curious about Indian movies, especially Indians are a nation who loves singing and dancing. For days after the movie ended, the songs from the movie kept spinning in my head. To be honest, it is not without reason that Indian films have emerged in the world in recent years. Indian actors have entered the world, and the male protagonists like "The Fantastic Drifting of Young Pi" are also unanimously recognized as good acting, but unfortunately they are not available in the English-speaking world. identify.

Looking at some information, the actors in "New York Intensive Reading Tour" also have a lot of experience in Hollywood movies, no wonder they seem to be good-natured. Movies in every place have their views on culture and race. Hollywood's works have loved to learn from India in recent years, such as "Golden Flower Hotel" and "Single Travels" all have Indian hobbies. When "India" entered the so-called civilized world, it was another flavor. The film contains discussions on gender equality, cultural conflicts, and family relations. Shahi went to learn English because of her family, only because there is a certain distance between the local language and the foreign language. If you don't understand English, you can't move up, and if you don't understand English, you will have problems communicating with others.

Under the arrangement of her family, Shahi went to New York to arrange an Indian-style wedding banquet for her nephew, during which she participated in an English training class. When she arrived in New York and faced an unfamiliar environment, she felt helpless and hopeless. People feel out of place in a foreign land, and they don't know how to meet Western white men. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, but the two of them were in awe. Fortunately, this mismatched relationship happened in the West, but fortunately it did not happen in India, otherwise women would be called bad women. Although the film does not deliberately criticize gender inequality in India, the main point is to learn to understand and respect each other. Especially between husbands and wives, between races, and even within families, mutual respect must be achieved, but not mutual accusations and mutual suspicions.

Or the content of the movie is a bit cliché, the narrative approach is more ordinary, and there is no other way to deal with it, but the mixture of Indian culture, love elements, family reasons, and the corresponding songs make this movie interesting No. In addition, the heroine has a little lightness, self-encouragement and self-motivation, with inner drive. It is quite rare to make the film reveal a true feeling and permeate positive energy everywhere. Of course, the success of the film is nothing more than the honesty and approachability of the heroine, which makes her gain the trust of her classmates and make her a harmonious learning atmosphere. Therefore, what this film wins is not the screenwriting techniques and the social issues to be discussed in it, but rather the love.

The heroine's performance is certainly excellent and contagious. At the same time, in the latter part of the film, she becomes accustomed to her new life in New York, which makes her transform from a "country girl" to an "entrepreneur". There are also some cultural conflicts. The thoughtful reflections can be seen in English classes. Language has never been a barrier between people, but sometimes people will appear selfish, and they will only look at others based on their own abilities. In the movie, there is quite a scene where men think women should stay at home and make desserts. But her liberally educated American nephew disagreed, arguing that women could hold up half the sky. This is the cultural conflict to be discussed in the play. As long as there is perseverance, women actually have relative abilities.

The road to women's equality has not been easy in India, but at least one homegrown work has brought some new perspectives to the locals. In fact, what women hope most is equality and respect. Whether women or not, each of us is born with different races and countries, but we are all part of the global village. Some universal values ​​need to be guarded. No matter how bad your English is, it's not the point. The point is that you have to let go of your subjectivity in order to embrace the future.

Self-confidence and self-esteem are very important to each of us, and in this film, humorous techniques are used, with a touch of lyricism, to resolve the dissatisfaction of the outside world. Injustice is happening every day, and at this moment, let us read the world in the movie world.


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Extended Reading

English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!