Indian version of the seduction of the wife

Madalyn 2022-04-23 07:03:36

I saw a Korean drama a few years ago, it was called a bloody dog. The wealthy and angry little daughter-in-law was raped by her best friend, and she was almost killed by her best friend and a scumbag. Finished the story of counterattack and revenge against the scumbag. Although the plot is bloody, it looks really cool. Who doesn't want to watch the weak go all the way to counterattack and become the strong.
This "Indian English" tells the same story. Of course, not so bloody.
Spoilers below.
Shaxi, the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family (it should be considered a wealthy family, does not need to go out to work, the family has a big house, the children go to international schools, and the friends around them almost communicate with each other in English) Although she has no worries about food and clothing, she always has troubles in her life. The husband is busy with work, and the eldest daughter is upright and rebellious. Although the youngest son relies on her, he often joins the eldest daughter to ridicule her unscrupulously because her English is not good. India was colonized by the British for quite a long time, so English is equivalent to the official language. Even the eldest daughter's classmate's mother communicated with her in English by default, and Sahi's terrible English could not understand or speak. This is of course embarrassing, and what is even more embarrassing is that when the teacher was interviewing, a pure Indian, because he basically could not speak Hindi, the communication with Shahi was basically at the level of chicken and duck. These embarrassments made Sahi feel miserable. At this time, her older sister in the United States sent an invitation to her eldest daughter because she was about to get married, hoping that they would come to New York for the wedding, but Shahi was very scared, because she had to arrive in New York alone to help organize the wedding. Shahi has experienced the predicament of not knowing how to call for water and food on the plane, and when she entered New York, she did not know how to describe the purpose of entry and was almost rejected. Even ordering food in a cafe, because I don't know how to order, I encountered tons of stares from the waiter. Shahi broke down, and when she rushed out crying, she saw an advertisement for English learning. She mustered up the courage, took out her own money, and signed up for this class. Of course, it was always bumpy at first. But after four weeks of study, Sahi's English speech at the wedding made her husband who used to feel that she should not communicate and just go to bed stared blankly, and her daughter who yelled at her disrespectfully bowed her head in shame, Even, because he noticed the boundless charm of Sahi, the husband realized the seriousness of the problem and asked her pitifully if she still loved him.
Of course it's a movie. But the movie is also very realistic. The status of women in India is quite low. It can be seen in the documentary "India's Daughter" that in India, women are basically equal to men's property. In the play, the husband does not want his wife to run his own business (radu ball, an Indian dessert), nor does he want to communicate with her well. Shahi is reluctant to go to New York in advance, but in this family, Shahi's status is undoubtedly the lowest, she said it doesn't count. So she had to go to New York alone. But although Shahi is a traditional Indian woman, she actually has her own ideas. In India, even though her husband was reluctant and her daughter laughed at her, she was still running her dessert business and even saved a fortune. In New York, because she was ridiculed by the clerk, she felt ashamed and bravely signed up for an English class. After the teacher corrected her English grammar, she even asked a good question that even the teacher could not answer. When the Pakistani classmates said that the teacher was gay, which was disgusting, she justly refuted the Pakistani classmates. Sahi also gained the heart of a handsome French guy, but Sahi is really sober. She said that what I need now is not love, but respect.
In her final wedding speech, Shahi expressed her understanding of marriage in clear English, although not fluent. She said that marriage should be two people who are equal and support each other to go on. Sometimes the woman is weaker, sometimes the man is weaker, but as long as two people have love, they can help each other and keep going.
This movie is really touching. Shahi has a bright future, and she has won love and respect with her actions. For more than two hours, there was laughter, emotion, sadness, and hope. We also think while being substituted. No matter what country or status you are in, work hard and never give up. Always a good way to counterattack. All right, I'm going to learn English.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!