Learn to love yourself so you can do what you love

Martin 2022-04-23 07:03:36

05# The 56th film review 2018/1/28 Dear brother / article "British English"

I used to think that the English spoken by Indians and Japanese was very funny, but recently I found out that I speak English well after training, which is actually an illusion. A lot of common English that I take for granted is actually mispronounced. If I hadn't become a teacher in a training institution, I don't think I would have had the opportunity to correct my pronunciation.

Of course, in daily communication, these are not problems. No stranger is stupid enough to embarrass you for correcting your English, after all, they're adults. During this period of time, I thought: My Mandarin was not standard before, especially the ones starting with H and F could not be distinguished. Because of regional reasons, people on our side always said that.

When I was in high school, my deskmate in the neighboring town asked me, "How do you read
Laohu?" "Tiger"
"How do you read Huang Feihong?
Before I could finish speaking, there was a burst of laughter. At that time, I was young and young, and it was shameful to be laughed at in public, but I secretly made up my mind to correct these mispronunciations.

Just like this time, correcting my own pronunciation is not to prove myself, but to correct the obvious mistakes that have already occurred, just correct them.

To speak the right language to gain confidence or the respect of others, Hindi English should be recommended. The hostess Shahi not only used the opportunity to learn English to regain the respect of her husband and children, but also taught them that the first condition of love is to respect each other. In the process of learning English, the most important thing she learned was not to learn English, but to learn to love herself. Only after learning to love herself can she be more confident to do what she wants to do.

The touching scene in the film review is that Shahi was the first to get up after the alarm clock went off to cook breakfast for the whole family. After all these things were ready, she picked up the newspaper, picked up the coffee and sat down to rest. when. Husband got up and called her, Shahi, newspaper, coffee. She only put down the coffee that was brought to her mouth and gave the newspaper in her hand to her husband. The next step is to serve the mother-in-law and husband's breakfast, and help the daughter to organize the schoolbag, let the son get up and brush his teeth, and the family eat breakfast. But by the time all this was done, her cup of coffee was cold.

After that, her husband went to work, and her son and daughter went to school. She started to make ladoo balls at home, and then gave them to customers who ordered. Correspondingly, when she first went to the United States to prepare for the wedding of her sister's daughter, after her husband and children arrived, when she woke up in the morning, her husband was still called Shahi, coffee, and newspaper. However, her expression was a little hesitant at this time.

If there is no husband who consciously or unconsciously says that she was born to be a ladoo, no daughter who dislikes her poor English and is unwilling to let him participate in her parent-teacher conference, and tells her son that if he fails the exam, he can only do ladoo at home ball. If she hadn't come to the United States to prepare for her sister's daughter's wedding, and she hadn't been discriminated against by the coffee shop clerk, she wouldn't have made up her mind to learn English.

For her, it's not that she is unwilling to do these things for her family. But she paid for her family. Not only did she not get the respect her family deserved, but she laughed at her instead. She gave love, but did not gain anything, but had to endure their censure.

At the niece's wedding, when someone asked his wife to speak, the husband stood up nervously and said that she could not speak English. However, he didn't know that his wife was learning English secretly.

But when Shahi stood up to speak, the husband and daughter were a little uncomfortable, they were afraid that their wife and mother would be embarrassed in front of everyone. Happiness, Shahi said, only comes to those who cherish it. Family will not use your weaknesses to make fun of you, to belittle you. Family is a place of love and respect. After hearing what Shahi said, their expressions all looked ashamed and uncomfortable.

Shahi spoke his heart through his blessings to the new couple. After experiencing so many things, she can say these words calmly, which shows that she has gained what she wants most in the process of learning English. Blindly paying for the family may not necessarily gain their respect and love. Over time, they will take it for granted. But learning to love yourself and do what you love, whether it's doing radoo or learning English, that's the most important thing.

The point is, no matter what, as long as you want to do it, there is nothing you can't do well.

In the process of learning English, she captured the heart of a Frenchman. Both of them are also chefs. Their favorite thing to do is to cook food for their lover. Shahi makes Radu balls for her family, and the French serve her French pastries. They even learned Hindi and French for each other. The French, of course, can give Shahi a lot of love and can do what she likes with her. But the theme of the movie is clear, she doesn't need love, she needs respect.

In the end, despite the French's deep affection, Shahi thanked him that the time they spent together taught her to love herself and have confidence in herself. In the end, she returned to India with her family. On the plane, the flight attendant asked her what newspaper to read? She confidently asked in English, is there a newspaper in Hindi? No, then forget it.

Indian movies are indispensable, singing and dancing at big parties, this is their feature, and this movie is no exception to these plots. There is singing and dancing when you are happy, and music when you are sad. It should be said that there are differences between people, but for feelings, they are the same, laugh when they are happy, cry when they are sad.

Language isn't just about communication, it's about speaking your heart, defending your rights, and gaining respect. At first, we may be afraid to speak in front of people because our Mandarin is not standard, and we may feel that our spoken English is not good enough, and we are unwilling to speak our own voice.

It is all because I am not confident enough. Only by speaking out and exposing my mistakes and shortcomings can I correct them. What is there, yes, no or no, but I can learn, I can make corrections, and I can better say these things. Who can say that he has no problems, who can say that he is perfect? Basically no.

The film "British English", from the perspective of women, although there are some cliché plots, the plot design is still ingenious, reflecting the awakening part. In recent years, Indian films have been dominated by female themes, and they have been done well.

The most important thing is that it's not just for the heroine to learn English, but when faced with a choice between going to the graduation speech and being bumped into a Radu ball, she chose to redo the Radu ball. She said, if I can't do the things I love the most, how can I go elsewhere?

This movie also reflects from the side that the housewife, even though Shahi still spends her spare time at home doing raddu balls and selling them to others, still has not won the respect and understanding she deserves. So, reflecting a question, should women stay at home? Or go out to work?

This problem is a big international problem, no matter which country, there is such a problem. The movie didn't give the answer directly, but I understood that when you give for your family, you know that you love yourself and have things you like to do, these are not things you should worry about. Whether you are a housewife at home or go out to work, if you love yourself enough and do things you are interested in, that is the most perfect.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!