Find the way of affirmation

Ryley 2022-04-22 07:01:43

Shahi is a housewife who loves making desserts, but her husband wants to make desserts only for himself, and sometimes teases her about her only hobby. Because of her poor English, Shahi's daughter often laughs at her unconsciously, and is particularly reluctant to let her participate in parent-teacher conferences, thinking that she will embarrass herself. Shahi felt very depressed because of this.

By chance, Shahi was invited by her sister to New York to help organize her daughter's wedding. Shahi was particularly afraid of going out alone to face this strangeness. But with the encouragement of her husband, she packed her bags and set out on the journey. When she first arrived in New York, because of the language barrier, she didn't even know how to order food, and was even accused by the clerk of wasting other people's time. She became increasingly frustrated when she saw an English language course that could be completed in just four weeks. So she took the $400 she brought, and finally found the training class. In the training class, she met classmates from all over the world, including a Spanish nanny, a Chinese hairdresser, an Indian engineer, a Pakistani driver, and a French chef. They all hope to better integrate themselves by learning English. this city. During the four weeks of study, she established a deep friendship with her classmates, and at the same time she was brave to ask questions, and won everyone's appreciation for her cooking skills.

When the wedding was about to take place, her family came to the United States. She continued to go to school without telling her family, which caused her son to be injured. Shahi felt very guilty and felt that she did not do her job well as a mother. So I decided to give up the course and return to the family. But her niece still fought for her, and her classmates encouraged her to continue the class by calling her.

On the day of the exam, because the wedding gift Radu ball was knocked over and she needed to redo it and missed the exam, the niece invited all her classmates and teachers. When giving the toast, Sahi expressed her sincere feelings about marriage in English, which surprised everyone present. It also earned her the respect of her family.

While watching this movie, I still felt the kindness of strangers. When Shahi got on the plane alone and wanted to drink water and didn't know what to do, the man beside him rang the bell and communicated with the waiter. Shahi was bored by herself and didn't want to watch English movies, so the kind person translated it and added the action. When saying goodbye at the end, the kind person said: "The first time is unique, and every experience is special, so enjoy it." Very warm.

Language is still very important. If you can master foreign languages ​​well, you can more directly understand the content and emotions that others want to express. The helplessness of watching Sahi and the French chef sometimes talking to each other, full of language but nowhere to speak, fills the screen.

For Shahi, home and Radu ball are her comfort zone, and stepping out will make her feel uneasy, so Shahi does not want to go to the United States alone, and even feels that she can never speak English well. But admirably, Shahi did it anyway. I called myself to ask about signing up for an English training class, and I went out alone to find where the training class was. The journey was short, but it was a big step for Shahi. At the end of the toast, when Shahi's husband wanted to stand up to explain his wife's poor English, Shahi stood up bravely and gave a speech in poor English, which made a big leap.

Humans are social animals and need to gain a sense of achievement and recognition in society, which is why they go to school and receive education. When Shahi's husband thinks it's no big deal for Shahi to make desserts, and she also feels that her sense of self-worth is low, the teacher thinks of her as an entrepreneur. This is the recognition of her from the outside world, which also makes her regain her confidence. People always fail to understand themselves correctly. Sometimes they look up on themselves, and sometimes they look down on themselves. Only in contact with the outside world can they constantly adjust and adjust this understanding to a suitable level.

Among them, I also saw the embarrassment of the status of housewives. Although they need to do heavy work, they are not recognized. As Shahi said, society thinks that men's cooking is an art, and women's cooking is a responsibility. Their lives are just families, and their husbands and children are their world. Once they have unhappy things with them, their world will be covered with dark clouds. The daughter satirized Sahi with the weakness of Sahi's poor English. She was very hurt. She said that children should be innocent. Parents created all conditions for children to make their lives better, but children did not respect their parents. feeling. When I was a child, I often said that my mother was fat. In fact, I didn't mean it, I just thought it was fun. I wondered if this also brought harm to my mother.

In the toast, Shahi said that two people in marriage should be equal and need to help each other. When both parties disregard each other's feelings, it is necessary to help themselves. Family will never judge you arbitrarily, belittle you, make you feel worthless, laugh at you for your weaknesses, home is the only place you can find love and respect. In fact, what Shahi said was the situation she wanted, and it was also the standard of a happy family.

She told the French chef that if you don't like yourself, you will even hate everything around you. If you learn to love yourself, everything around you will gradually become attractive, and the life that was originally quiet like water will take on a new look. How you are, how the world will be. Thank you for giving me confidence in myself.

I like this movie, the perspective is unique and the emotion is delicate.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!