Beginners are beautiful together

Zechariah 2022-04-22 07:01:43

When I think of the best days when I first came to France to learn the language, I also felt the same when I ordered something in a cafe for a while in France. Although it is not as exaggerated as in the movie, the embarrassment of being unable to communicate and the feeling of being afraid of disturbing others are all the same. very real. Everyone decides that they want to learn something, maybe because they like it or because they can't bear their own life. I especially like the last paragraph, only when you love yourself can you make everything around you beautiful and attract good people and things to change your unchanging, dead water-like life. The heroine doesn't need love, just respect. I want love and respect. I want a lot. I have been learning English by myself for a month recently. Vocabulary has increased from 1509 in the early October test to 2580 today on October 18. My English is so bad I am really happy with the results today and I will continue.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!