A few inspirations about life

Piper 2022-04-21 09:03:01

A story about the self, the frame is somewhat predictable, but there are still many inspirations: 1. About how to treat your parents: Respect them as independent and unique individuals, not just yours. You know, everyone's time is limited.

2. About how to treat the other half: Pay attention to whether the other party is good or not in this relationship, and see and cherish the growth of the other party.

3. About how to treat your not-so-good self: try to keep and defend the things you love, don't let them become the victims of life, because these will become the stars in the dark night, giving the weary life minimal but extremely important light . Also believe that even if you are not very good, you are worthy of the respect of others and the love of your loved ones.

4. On how to face love and rejection: have the ability to love, but also have the patience to wait, and have the mind to let go. Keep the good and the blessings and don't hurt the best things in each other's lives.

5. About what kind of person to be: Undoubtedly, a niece who is understanding, free, and beautiful. My favorite scene was when she fell asleep with a book over her head.

6. Regarding personal situation and environment: The world is so big, there are always people who understand you and accept you because of the same feeling. When you find that there is too much malice in your life, maybe change the environment and it will be dark and bright again.

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English Vinglish quotes

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