If you fall behind, you will be beaten

Kristian 2022-04-20 09:02:10

At that time, China was closed to the country and lagged behind the world wave. The consequences: no right to speak, being invaded.
This woman was looked down upon by her husband and daughter because of her poor English.
Because the daughter of the woman's sister was getting married, she flew all the way from India to the United States to help prepare for the wedding.
During this period, she participated in a four-week English study.
In this four-week English study, Mr. David called her an entrepreneur because she was a Radu to sell. Later, when she asked why the Indian country didn't add the 'the' in front of the country, but the US did, the teacher praised her for raising a good question. The admiration from the French chef has also brought her back the self-confidence of being loved.
Just when she was going to take the certification exam, the 28th was exactly when she was going to take the exam. She had planned to take the exam in the morning, but her youngest son's mischief made her have to redo Radu (alias "Butter Ball"), She didn't want her sister's daughter's wedding to be imperfect because of her exam, so she didn't take the exam.
Later, the teacher and the classmates who studied together were also invited to the wedding. After listening to Sahi's wedding speech, the teacher gave her a certificate of passing. Her husband and daughter also felt guilty for the previous humiliation to her. She regained her respect, and her husband showed a long-lost love.
This inspires me: why you don't get the respect you deserve in a relationship, that's because, from a representational level, maybe your English isn't as good as theirs, maybe your expression isn't as good as theirs, or maybe you don't They will deal with all kinds of problems then, that is, if you have no way to provide them with equal help, then they will not and will not want to respect you. Then, the best savior is yourself, and if you want to become better, you will regain your respect. Peaches and plums, the next from Seikei.
Shahi's final speech: family, only family members will never judge you arbitrarily, only family members will never belittle you, will not make you feel worthless, family members are the only people who will not use your weaknesses to laugh at you, Home is also the only place where you can always find love and respect.
I don't agree with this statement, Shahi just didn't say it. To put it bluntly, it is the same with your family. If you fail too much in life, everyone will be over your head. If Shahi didn't learn English well, she wouldn't get the respect she deserves in this family. There is a saying that people are tough, life is tough, and there is no need to expose beautiful lies to you. If you say it too clearly, everything will be difficult to clean up.
Shahi loves her family, and she trades her respect back for her secret efforts. It also gave the family a step down and saved the awkward relationship, which is great.
Just like today's China, although it is not the overlord of the world, it is powerful, and no country dares to aggress against China. In the Diaoyu Islands incident, although Chinese fishermen were detained, they succumbed to pressure from China.
It's realistic, it's great.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!