What I want is not love, but respect

Rebeka 2022-04-20 09:02:10

In fact, there are many movies about women's rights in India. But this one is not as naked as "Wrestle, Dad", and it is not as bloody as "Hot". In this one, there are more cultural conflicts; more short-style life in the parents; more touches my feelings. 1 Shahi is a housewife with a son and a daughter, and her husband has a good job. She likes to make a dessert called ladoo balls, which is her hobby and part-time job in her spare time. It stands to reason that her life is not bad, as long as she can ignore her daughter's mischievous ridicule and her husband's disrespect for her. The play spared no effort to show the ridicule and contempt of her husband and daughter for Shahi's lack of English. In the opening scene, when Shaxi picked up the newspaper in the morning and planned to read it, her husband who was not in the picture said "Shaxi, tea". I think this scene has already set the tone of the whole article. This is just the beginning, and the rest can be said to be more and more excessive. At the dinner table, the daughter and father laughed at Shahi for mispronouncing jazz; at the parent-teacher meeting, her daughter felt ashamed because Shahi could not speak English; she called her husband after selling Radu balls, but was poured cold water; she was teased by her daughter on the way to the United States. Do we have to cry when we say goodbye?" At this time, she just endured all this silently, even when her husband hugged a female colleague and told her that hugs were normal, she probably didn't even know that she was actually with a female colleague. They are out of touch. The daughter can easily say, "Do you think you can help me with English literature?" The husband can also casually say, "My wife was born to be a raddoo". In fact, this kind of injury is not like a poison, which will kill you immediately. It is a chronic drug that invades the bone marrow little by little. 2 Because the daughter of the American sister was going to hold the wedding, Shahi went to the United States four weeks in advance to help her sister organize it. I know how it feels to go to a foreign country alone, with no one to accompany you. Loneliness, restlessness, fear of the unknown. Fortunately, there were good people who helped me along the way. On the way to ordering food, she was treated rudely because she didn't speak English, so she started to learn English. She enrolled in a four-week course to learn English, and in the process, she gained friendship, knowledge, and the love of a Frenchman. The family in India arrived a week early, and one of the episodes that made me feel like Sahi’s life was back to normal was that, on the same morning, when Sahi picked up the coffee and the newspaper to read, her husband said “tea” and grabbed the Even when her newspapers were taken for granted. A word suddenly popped into my mind, do you want to stay with this kind of person for the New Year without getting a divorce? this In fact, Sahi has changed a lot at that time, but her daughter and husband have remained the same. When the daughter discussed the boy with the American child and said that Sahi didn't understand, Sahi smiled helplessly; her husband said "she was born to be a Radu ball" with a smile in public. Let her know how important respect is. 3 The ending of the story can actually be imagined, but what may have touched me is that even if Sahi was ridiculed, she could bravely go out on her own.

Learn to love yourself and how to love yourself. Escape is one way, but you have to live with it, and what I've learned from Shahi is that, no matter how difficult it is, it's important to take the first step. As far as the movie itself is concerned, I think the details are well done. Many husbands and daughters laughed at Shahi's lack of English to the end of her speech, which was well prepared and made people not feel too complicated; and sons liked scary tricks to the end of Shahi's inability to take the English test, and she didn't. It will be very abrupt; and musically, the styles of different places are also very comfortable. During the conversation, the interviewer said "Why do you want to go to the US if you are not good at English?" and his colleague said "You can't speak Hindi and you have come to our country", and the impatience of the cafe waitress and The people at the English Learning Office are in stark contrast. And the dialogue between the Pakistani man and Song Yu, I think it's very interesting. In fact, what I like the most is the emotional line between Shahi and French men, which also reflects the difference between Eastern and Western cultures. He said the deep affection of "I like it if I like it", and the helpless smile every time I was rejected for coffee. Although I know they have no results, but the process is very important! Just like it! To sum up, these are my most direct feelings about this film. It's also a movie worth watching.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!