I don't want love, I want respect

Cleora 2022-04-20 09:02:10

Repeated a lot of the plot, just because I like it too much.

I like this kind of movies that are based on simple life, just like the lunch box I have seen before. It stands to reason that such life scenes are not absent in China, and we cannot extract them from reality. In Indian movies, no matter how hard How to learn from Hollywood, they have a lot of Indian elements in their films. Street snacks, milk tea, and very Indian street scenes are all shown in the movie. They don't deliberately beautify the streets and accommodation. If the background of the movie is the city I have been to, I will feel very familiar and kind, as if I live in In a small hotel down that street. They go to great lengths to promote their culture.

The background of this film is Manhattan, New York. The heroine is a sari from beginning to end. I thought I would go shopping in Manhattan and buy modern clothes, but no, traditional Indian clothes, American skyscrapers, this stark contrast , but feel that the sari is so fashionable and so beautiful.

When a woman reaches middle age, should she stop looking for herself? When people reach middle age, whether we should still care about our own dignity, or whether our family is enough.

This is the dilemma faced by many women, long-term housewife, social isolation, children who feel ashamed of you, and husbands will laugh at you.

In the story, because her husband did not have time to attend the parent-teacher meeting, Shahi saw the teacher and asked if she could speak Hindi? Afterwards, the daughter was very angry about it, and she was still angry when she returned home, feeling that her mother had embarrassed herself. The husband also often laughs at Sahi's English with his daughter. Not to mention, Sahi is best at making raddoo balls. She makes them at home, sells some on the street, and earns some pocket money. She is very happy about it. Calling my husband, my husband doesn't get bored. I think this is something that is off the table.

Just when she was extremely unconfident, the daughter of her sister who was far away in New York was about to get married. She had to help in advance. Because she didn't know English, the water was taken away on the first flight, and she panicked and called her husband when she got on the plane. Phone and they took my water away.

For the first time, I rushed to a cafe to buy food, but she couldn't order, and was trained by the waiter. She was so nervous, she immediately left ashamed after ordering, but the waiter said, you don't even say thank you can you speak? He panicked, bumped into other people, the cramped cafe was messed up for a while, the tempting coffee was spilled, the tempting food was knocked over, and she ran out crying.

The niece came to pick her up. They passed a bus with a stamp on the bus. They learned English all around. The niece laughed and thought it was a fool's dream, but the speaker was not interested in listening. He turned his head and read the numbers silently. When he got home, he went back to his room, made a phone call, asked for the price, dug out all the money and made up $400, and went all the way to the place.

A woman who has been separated from the outside world, suddenly met a group of like-minded people in a strange country and city, learned English together, and her life became colorful. She should have never even been to the cinema, you see The look she's in when she's watching a movie, she's watching a movie, someone's watching her. An ambiguity in the film is just right. As a traditional Indian woman, it is impossible for her to leave her family to be with a Frenchman. She thinks more about family responsibilities. She has too many entanglements, and the love that comes to an abrupt end when her heart is moved will make people unforgettable.

But the study did not go so smoothly. Her husband and children arrived a week early. In the process of family and self-improvement, Sahi still chose to take care of the family. In the last few days, she did not go to class. Even the last exam was missed, because the young son's naughty knocked over the Radu who had just done it. She didn't deliberately hide from her family that she was working hard to learn English. When she said what could have happened, she must still be ridiculing. Remember, when she came back from class for the first time, she called her husband in India and said excitedly. , do you know what people call me? It's an entrepreneur, my husband burst out laughing, she was silent on the other end of the phone, the family not only didn't understand you, but also hurt you the most.

I love her last speech very much. The film is very natural. It doesn't use too much force like some movies, and suddenly changes gorgeously. She stood up to face so many people, and she was still a little embarrassed and shy, so she said Yin in the first sentence. local language. English is stumbling and grammar is not very good, but it expresses my mood in simple words. It touched everyone, and also made her husband and daughter think of their unfairness to Shahi.

The core of her speech is, equality, equality. Marriage is a friendship between equal partners, and you will be happy only when you feel your equality. When the other party doesn't understand you, when you feel that you are weak, you can only help yourself at this time, don't expect others, and then that kind of equality will come back to you.

As we often say, two people who love each other must be evenly matched. Feeling inferior must be uncomfortable, Shahi said to the French, I don't want love, I want respect.

At the end of the movie, Shahi got her wish. She used to mock her in public that she was born to be Radu's husband. She would ask her ashamed, do you not love me anymore?

On the plane, my husband said, I want a copy of the New York Times.

Shahi no longer wanted to hide herself, and said frankly, I want Indian newspapers. Only self-confidence can be so frank, no longer afraid of ridicule. Her husband looked at her with a silent smile, with praise and respect in addition to love in his eyes.

Plus: lots of flashes, the confident and lovely old man on the plane. The French compliment Sahi: she is beautiful, her eyes are like two drops of coffee on milk.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!