"Indian English" comprehension

Rhoda 2022-04-19 09:02:36

Today I listened to the 43rd question of Teacher Fan Deng's Himalayan talk show "I have a question"---I am nervous every time, what should I do?

It mentioned that it is recommended to watch a movie "Indian English", which is about the point of speech! Even if it's not in English, I'll watch it because I'm also someone who has a strong fear of speaking!

After I got home, I immediately searched for this movie. Several methods did not work. Finally, I downloaded it from the Dawning website. This website is really good! Then the activity in the evening turned into watching a movie, and I took the baby to watch the movie over and over again! Now soak your feet, put on a mask, and type these words on the computer!

I used to put it all in Evernote, but today it can't be used anymore, so I can write it here in the future!

"Indian English" mainly explains that Shahi, like ordinary housewives, only knows how to pay for his family's life and spins around in the daily life of firewood, rice, oil and salt. So out of touch with society. So although he gave everything to the family. But the husband and the children look down on him (besides, there are people in the hostess' family who help, so she has money and spare time)

However, Shahi was due to go to the United States to attend a relative's wedding. Her English is really not good at all, and she is often laughed at by her husband and children. I also have no confidence in myself, and I don't dare to break through this piece of cowardice!

After various circumstances, she forced herself to learn English. I spent four weeks studying English. In such an atmosphere, she also made many friends with different learning goals, and opened up his different life horizons. In the end, I gave a speech in English, which was quite successful and won back my self-esteem and self-confidence!

Let me tell you how I feel after watching it today:

1. I originally came to watch the speech recommended by Fan Deng. Finally got attracted to others. Although the speech at the end was stumbling and the words were not particularly accurate, the speech was still very successful. Because it is a speech from the heart. No one thinks your speech is bad. Just like what Mr. Fan Deng said today, speaking, you need to get some inspiration from others, and you will gain something by giving others, so that your speech will be more confident. Don't think about your own shortcomings, you can think about what you can bring to others that will be better!

2. As a mother, you also need to keep improving, even if you give your family endless love. If you have been out of society for a long time and can't keep up with them, even your children will despise you! Moms can let their children look proud when they say you outside!

This is also the reason why many women continue to work hard after marriage! Don't get out of society! At the end of the wedding speech, the husband also discovered her advantages, and he was also afraid that the heroine would not love him, and the child also shed tears!

3. Women, mothers, are not only people who do housework at home, but also need to be respected and loved by others.

4. When you don't have a career, your husband will feel that everything you do is insignificant. After the hostess's desserts were sold out, I called my husband and he hung up impatiently. The hostess felt lost!

5. No matter what you do, you must take the initiative to change. Make yourself work hard to do it! What prompted the heroine to really change herself was that she was laughed at by others even when she ordered food in the United States, and finally ran away. I feel like I really need to change! People who have problems when they go out, finally learned very well and passed the exam!

6. Even if she is an adult, she is already a mother of two children. You also need to be praised by others. Also keep your beauty at all times. Due to the pursuit of the French chef, the heroine also found self-confidence and made her understand that she needs to love herself!

At the end of the wedding scene, the heroine said, "If you don't like yourself, you will hate everything around you, but if you learn to love everything around you, it will gradually become attractive, and the life that was originally silent like stagnant water begins to become Refreshed and beautiful.

7. Children's education is really important. Not only need to teach him knowledge, but also need to teach him the truth of life. The children even laughed at their own mothers, did not want their mothers to hold parent-teacher conferences, did not care about chatting with friends, and said that they could not find a book even for their mothers! So how do you treat others, it's even harder to imagine!

Children's education is really very important, so now parents are also constantly learning, children are not born, just eat enough!

8. Indian clothes are really pretty and sexy. The heroine in it is really really beautiful. In addition to his daughter, several of his nieces are also beautiful. When I finally saw the introduction, I found that I was 50 years old. It was really a blow to people. Now I feel that I am ugly, and I haven't dressed myself recently, so I wanted to be lazy, but I did what I did before. Soak your feet and apply a mask before bed!

9. Learn English, be able to communicate, the method of oral language learning!

The heroine is really hardworking. She is also studying while doing housework, and she is also studying while watching TV. Besides, she not only stays in the meaning of the sentence, but also thinks about other meanings! Although I know the method inside, but I feel that I am not enough!

Now it has been more than 150 days to punch in in English. Except for the more attentiveness at the beginning, it has become a task later! I really need to make a change!

10. The heroine said: "If you can't do what you are best at, what's the point of doing other things?"

Instead of doing everything well, it is better to do your best at what you are good at first, and then slowly work on the other. Take your time and do it with your heart.

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