after watching

Al 2022-04-21 09:03:01

I seldom watch movies, but I was attracted by the overwhelming praise. It was worth it when I opened the first episode.

The first thing I felt was shock. The waves played at a deliberately slow speed looked like gems, like silk, and slowly changed their forms, showing a beauty that I can't imagine normally. Coral reefs, undersea jungles, undersea grasslands, undersea volcanoes, the Dead Sea in the deep sea... There are countless similar shocking pictures. On the one hand, I was fascinated by the extremely beautiful pictures, and I had to sigh again and again for the skill and dedication of the photographers.

Then I was moved by the freshness and intelligence of animals, the pig-toothed fish that can shell and melon seeds; the octopus that can judo and cross-dressing; the killer whales and dolphins who can become good friends after chatting; the sea lions who can hunt around; There are terrible fat-headed fish who can pretend to be a girl to deceive a rival in order to pick up a girl and then be indescribable in front of a rival, and can also be a girl who gets bored and turns into a man to fight; there are clownfish who can design their own delivery room and take care of their babies; there is also a pitiful fish. The daily weeding and farming fish; and the discarded Pippi shrimp. These underwater animals make me feel different, cute, pitiful, disgusting... In short, my gray mood, who is used to seeing the gray sky and gray air, also changes with each story. beat.

I was really sad when I saw the coral reefs die in pieces. To be honest, I shed tears. You can think about it. The original vivid and splendid scenery gradually receded and turned into a piece of dead ash. There were no fish in it. The assisted swimming, with nothing but to stir up a grey and white thing that I don't know if it was gravel or what. Can only make me think of the feeling of a lonely child standing in front of a burnt forest and house. I saw the scenes of other coral reefs collectively spawning, and thought that they could still grow from their new homes in other places, followed by an inexplicable joy.

No matter how harsh the environment is, there are always creatures who live tenaciously. We humans should have been in the harsh environment until now. We obtain resources from the ocean, which is one of our reliances to the present, because Our ignorance, we have done and are still doing some senseless waste and destruction. We have the ability to shape our own environment, but we ignore the ocean as the birthplace of life. Is it possible that we can see a more vivid and beautiful world if we pay more attention to it?

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