Boy A is just a boy

Colten 2022-04-23 07:03:33

Boy A is just a boy. Juvenile crimes are more of a source of scolding and contempt, but juvenile crimes are more social pain. It is the missing link of family and society in the growth of children that leads to social tragedies one after another. And for a young man who is dedicated to goodness, should the past be brought up forever? Most people would still choose to flee if they knew that a person had been brutally murdered. Like everyone at the end except Terry. But this is obviously a child who longs for a warm society. Even Terry, while giving jack great warmth, also lacks love for his son, which makes all the good things short-lived. Is this phenomenon irreversible?

If he's a little wrong, people will say, look, he's a murderer. People always look at people with colored glasses, but the existence of such colored glasses is also reasonable. Even if Jack is a person who yearns for kindness and salvation, his heart will still flash back to the gray memory at a high frequency, and the subtle violent and withdrawn colors given by friends and family will still haunt his heart.

Does this generation still need coercive means, supplemented by morally intensive education? But how can violence, sexuality, longing to see gaffe and destruction of humanity be overcome?

The cinematography and graphics of the film are also depressing.

Heavy grey tones, faded photo paper, yellowish tones.

Music and photography techniques are also praised by everyone.

After all, you will take a deep breath.


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Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.