Does everyone deserve a second chance?

Randi 2022-04-21 09:02:59

Once bitten, twice shy. This is the life experience summed up by most people, and it is also the most intuitive manifestation of human nature.

If you were Jack's side, would you dare to approach such a murderer? Even if he is really remorseful, he is eager to help others, lives hard, and carefully cherishes everything he has again.

Whether everyone deserves a second chance, I don't know about others, but Jack deserves it. He is not inherently evil, he lacked family affection and love since he was a child. His parents didn't even notice the wound on his face, and he may have found it and felt that there was no need to intervene. He is withdrawn and has no friends, so he cherishes his only friend Phillip very much. When he went to kill the little girl, he could see his hesitation, wavering, and finally decided to step into the door of sin. This guilt has followed him, every day since his release from prison. It can be seen that he really repented and cherished everything he got. I am also working hard to live, enthusiastically helping others, stabbed at my friends, and my girlfriend is also single-minded, and I am very uneasy, fearful, and feel that I am not qualified to have the current happiness.

In fact, there could be another ending. Jack fled to a completely unfamiliar place, buried the past, lived anew, put down some self-blame and guilt, and used the rest of his life to atone for the sins of his youth. You will have friends, lovers, children again, and live a different life.

But why Jack didn't do this is because the guilt and guilt in his heart were too strong. That's why he deserves to be forgiven and deserve a second chance.

There should be many viewers who feel sorry for Jack as much as I do. Seeing how hard he lives, how careful he is, and how he can't even sleep peacefully, he feels full of sincerity. The deceased is gone, the past cannot be changed, what matters is the future.

So, if you are a parent, please pay more attention to your child's mental health, give enough love, and don't let more "Jacks" be born.


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Extended Reading

Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.