What people call a "sense of justice"

Athena 2022-04-21 09:02:59

After I just watched this movie, I didn't have a lot of thoughts. Maybe it's because I didn't understand some of the settings of the movie well, such as why journalists in the media still track Jack. ...After reading some film reviews, it was like a dizzy, and everything became clear.

So in this way, I think, what the film conveys to me the most is the true face of people's so-called sense of justice.

Jack, who had just come out of prison, looked harmless, and Garfield's acting skills made me have no defense against this thin, tall, introverted teenager. Be careful and start on thin ice; lack of confidence in interpersonal relationships, lack of social experience, and even don't know how to get along with the girl you like. These many years of life in prison bring the feeling that it is difficult to integrate into the world. It is also reflected in Jack. Even after being with Michelle, he was still frightened, scared, and cried directly on Michelle's body.
At this time, he had to talk about everything he suffered when he was a child. In the era of few scenes in the movie, indifferent parents, indifferent family, and bullied school life... Perhaps, Jack's introverted, fearful and unconfident character is not caused by the pain of prison, but Features from childhood!

What's more, he saved a little girl on his way to work. He has done good deeds. He was sincerely told by colleagues that you are a good person.

The more "pathetic" the beauty of the protagonist shows, the more we can understand it, and the more it hurts our hearts when the media bombardment comes.
right. It is the so-called sense of justice in people's hearts! The so-called sense of justice makes a boy with a pure nature unable to live into despair. The so-called sense of justice means that a person on parole who has been rehabilitated and has been well integrated into the society is completely abandoned and abandoned by the surrounding people and environment, and has no chance to be accepted and understood. The so-called sense of justice caused an angel with glowing wings drawn by a little girl to end his life by the river.

Why are people so busy sometimes?
Really, after reading this, I think, really don't judge others easily. Because what you know is too one-sided. Because the justice you believe in is not enough for a feather!
What you need to remind yourself all the time is - Just DO NOT JUDGE.

There is also a very cold reality - people will not take into account what good things you have done, but will only hold on to those old things and not let them go. Because you like to criticize and be good at nitpicking, you will never let go of a mistake, not to mention that you are a real little devil boy A who has murdered female classmates.

And the practical significance of this film is vividly displayed, no matter which social networking site, whether it is a keyboard warrior or many other netizens, isn't it just constantly self-climaxing.
Also, I don't know when, political correctness and anti-political correctness are flooded in the comment area of ​​news on different occasions. The title of the virgin bitch makes many people afraid to express their sentimental opinions.
When was our online world so so-called "rational", so cold!
[Gorgeously deviated from the title]
Who would have thought of the truth of the case more than ten years ago in such a film - in fact, eric was not malicious at all, but was led by his "friend" to become an "accomplice--" Let us be more For distressed jack.

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Extended Reading

Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.