No solution

Lamont 2022-04-19 09:02:35

This movie is so sad to watch.

Eric is a very pale and depressing product, yes, product, how come there are children who dare not meet their father when they come home, and tell their mother that I was beaten and only get a sentence of "get out". Do you blame him for hanging out with Phillip? Phillip protects him and keeps him company. He doesn't know anything, and neither does Phi.

"He's still a kid" is not a shirk, he really is. Looking at it with this kind of thought, I feel hopeless for Jack - people make mistakes, and at the cost of time, self-esteem, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, security, and the right to not fear, can't there be room for change?

The final conclusion is no solution.

After the big mistake is made, the "child" only represents a point in time when the mistake was made, and it does not mean that he can be forgiven unconditionally. He might be worth it, but he can't. Where the price of something can go beyond life.

But if this is the case, I am no different from everyone who sentenced Jack to "death penalty", I am everyone.

I thought about where the tear came from: I couldn't keep A, Eric, and Jack apart. When A makes a mistake, he may not even understand the weight and thickness of the mistake. He cannot be held responsible. He only has a code name, but in the end, Jack, who has a name and can be responsible, buys it. You can see that Jack is still in his teenage years. He has no time to taste or learn anything. He is a blank. He came from the darkness, a real nobody from nowhere, and was violently dragged by alcohol, music, drugs, lust, and sex. A fresh and unfamiliar world. During the solo dance in the bar, he indulged in madness, and in Michelle's bed, he was fragile and reckless.

Simple, shy, guilty, sincere, dull, and righteous. This is Jack.

The more Jack, the more eric, phillip, and the girl who stayed in the boyhood forever.

I dare not raise my eyes when looking at people, dare not take pictures, dream of being hanged, despair, fear, cowardice, helplessness, hidden in the body, and a sudden emergence of violent tendencies. This is also Jack.

Jack is Jack and an extension of Eric and Phillip.

So incomprehensible.

Although many people cursed and hated him, his life has also come to light: Terry, also a teacher and a father, a solid backing; Michelle, love, desire, tender care from women; the grandmother on the train, tenderly called him love ; The little girl he saved, the value of human beings and the gentle kindness confirmed and affirmed, may make him a little bit relieved from the guilt.

When Michelle appeared at the end of the credits, I was almost hallucinating. The result is not. so good.

Saw a movie review: "This is life. You make mistakes. And you pay." It hurts.

I still, still want to think, he can stop rot. Just, don't rot (this is ideal, probably limited to movies, but since it's limited to movies:

Don't let this be your ending, Jack.

Jack endeavors to live. Jack deserves it.

So be alive.

Ps: Garfield's acting is so good that my scalp is numb

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Extended Reading

Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.