What episodes of "Confession" impressed you

Darion 2022-04-23 07:03:35

The episode that impressed me the most was Mizuki telling the female teacher about the little male lead's Achilles heel. At that time, I also thought that it was Mizuki who wanted to plead and justify the little male protagonist! Later I heard that Mizuki likes to plant trees! ! ! (Although I didn't see it at all in the movie?) So I have the following Mary Sue-like guess (personal opinion is good for everyone to see?): Mizuki is a darker inside, but the surface is weak or dull Image (classmates nicknamed her Meidai, and her idol is Lucina), she likes to plant trees (the mother who planted trees in the movie once said that the previous planting trees were very kind and simple children), maybe because of the tree-planting Complement your character with yourself. Later, the tree planting was destroyed by two people, one is the young male major Xiu Zai, and the other is the male teacher Werther. The former will plant the tree on the back of the murderer's crime, and the latter will drive the tree crazy. So she approached Shuya and later learned about his Achilles heel. The crime of the male teacher was also exposed by her! She always wanted to die, so she was killed by Shuya. As for why she didn't tell Zhishu that the milk was not added, maybe it was because she wanted to take Zhishu to leave this evil world! Anyway, I don't think Miyuki's is so simple, because she wanted to die and finally died, and she was an innocent victim in the eyes of the female teacher.

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Confessions quotes

  • Yuko Shimomura: Moriguchi is a demon.

  • Mizuki Kitahara: Moriguchi, is life...?