Steel straight man's tenderness

Winifred 2022-04-22 07:01:42

In fact, I haven't read much about robot animation and literature. If you have a bit of depth, you should only read The Matrix and EVA. To be honest, I don't really understand these two works. Maybe it's because I don't have systematic knowledge about robots in my mind, so I didn't fully understand "Ghost in the Shell: Innocence" ("innocent" for short), so just write some of my own feelings.

As for the plot, it's actually pretty simple. The mass-produced robots kept committing crimes. Bart, the protagonist of the criminal police, carried out an investigation of course, and finally found that the production company brainwashed the kidnapped children, and then implanted them into the robot brain and burned them into Ghost, causing the robot to run wild. Why take the risk? Because of market demand, single dogs want to buy female robots with sexual functions. It's really the distortion of human nature, the loss of morality, and the sadness of single dogs.

Regarding the characters, the images are very rich. Although I have only watched such a series of attacking the shell, the image of Bart's iron-blooded tenderness has been deeply imprinted in my mind, and it may also become a role model for a boy to grow up. Bart, in order to improve various abilities, the entire body should be mechanized except for the brain. Judging from the worship and protection of Motoko in the whole drama, the transformation at that time may also have the meaning of following the guardian. When I went to the Red Dust Society to investigate, I opened fire whenever there was a disagreement, and one person shot the entire gang with blood, which fully demonstrated Bart's iron-blooded side (a tall and mighty man with a heavy machine gun swept through the gang, how to see how to bully people...). However, when Bart bought dog food and microwaved hot meals for his dog, he formed a strong contrast with the previous gangster picture, fully showing his tender side, especially when he gently rubbed the dog's food when he was eating. The small details that the two ears are placed outside the bowl are really emotional, and I have a tiger in my heart and sniff the roses. In the end, when I fought side by side with Motoko in the robot production company, the tacit understanding between the two was really enviable. When can I find such a tacit understanding. When Suzi closed the terminal of the robot system through the line, Bart silently guarded him. Although he said that there was only one clip left, hand-to-hand combat could not guarantee Suzi's safety, but his body was still firmly behind Suzi, and a single shot burst. , melee combat, without letting a chasing robot get close to Motoko. This kind of trust in being able to deliver the back, this kind of dedication to guarding it to the end, is really touching. At this time, Bart should feel that his fully mechanized transformation is just too right. There is also the picture of Bart putting on a coat for Motoko before the battle. I should really like it, so I have a desire to protect it. How could any man allow the woman he likes to fight naked, not even a borrowed body.

As for the depth, it's a bit difficult. The initial feeling is that this bureau quoted a lot of "important" famous sayings in the robot system and Lao Tzu's thoughts, as well as the three reincarnations in the hacker Jim's room, they should all want to express some dialectical ideas. For example, if there is only consciousness and no physical element, is Bart's love still love? For example, a sanitation worker whose memory has been forged, who thinks he has a estranged wife, and an angel-like lovely daughter, but in real life, he has lived alone for ten years. When the memory can be changed, you are still willing to live soberly. ?

I also read some online interpretations, it seems that Mamoru Oshii is a pessimistic person, and his works always give people a feeling of desolation and nothingness, like a torture to the deepest part of the soul, which makes people terrified. This is the same feeling in the whole play. People use computers to improve their abilities and save their consciousness on the Internet. Is it still me who is left with only consciousness? I don't know if it is, I don't think about it too much.


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Extended Reading

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence quotes

  • Togusa: How great is the sum of thy thoughts? If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.

    Bateau: Psalms 139, Old Testament. The way you spout these spontaneous exotic references, I'd say your own external memory's pretty twisted.

  • Togusa: His legions, angel forms, who lay entranced. Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks.

    Bateau: Now you're quoting Milton, but we are not Satan.