small hatred

Yvonne 2022-04-23 07:03:37

People who are deeply involved in war are always small in war, life and death, and hatred.

The bitter and deep enemy of the ruined family is nothing but the most ordinary teenager who gets along day and night. When you get closer to a person, a group of people, you will find that their identities and labels will gradually fade over time until only one name and one face remain.

The sergeant's eyes no longer had the firm indifference, the farm woman no longer had a smug smile, the last wave of farewell and the desperate escort, all these changes are reasonable. Because even if rational intelligence is easily swallowed up by anger and hatred, human sensibility and empathy are even more indomitable.

We are always forgetful about memory, but the trivial things that happen in the moment are the most influential things. We can't compare the death toll of an entire country with a life lost in front of us, because hatred and guilt cannot be quantified by the number of dead bodies. When those painful memories become blurred, the decision to take revenge is in ordinary joy and sorrow. become wobbly.

I think this is the most touching part of human emotion.

In the film, the sergeant is the absolute bearer of the story, whether it's stealing food or removing the latch, or later running hard when he hears the explosion, his emotional changes and behavioral reactions drive the development of the story, while at the same time , the relationship between him and Sebastian gradually developed as a father and a friend also made the emotions and human nature that the film wants to show more concrete.

The director seems to love to shoot the sergeant driving the old jeep on the deserted road, making him look small, lonely and tragic. Indeed, before the hatred of his country, he was insignificant, when others could not understand his sensibility, he was lonely, and when he gradually could not resist taking the lives of those German boys as his responsibility, he watched at the end. When those children ran for freedom, he was tragic. There are several sergeant's subjective perspective clips in the film, all of them are shaking shots, which represent the emotional collision, contradiction, confusion and suffering he experienced.

Finally, when the director of a war movie wants to arrange a lunch box, be careful of the old thief's homecoming warning. Every time I see what a handsome young man will say what I'm going to do when I get home, I feel a chill in my heart. There are also good twin brothers who usually hang at least one, and those who are disgusted with ignorance can live to the end and wait. Let's take a look and have a tacit understanding.

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Extended Reading

Land of Mine quotes

  • Sgt. Carl Rasmussen: Those of you who count the mines, make sure my card is updated. This task is as important as defusing mines.

  • Lt. Ebbe Jensen: If they are old enough to go to war, they are old enough to clean up.